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Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (01): 46 -53. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2023.01.007

Original Article

Birth trends and adverse pregnancy outcomes of live births under assisted reproductive technology in Beijing, 2015-2021

Lu Zhang, Huijuan Yang, Kaibo Liu()   

  1. Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University/Beijing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Beijing 100026, China
  • Received:2022-05-08 Revised:2022-12-30 Published:2023-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Kaibo Liu
  • Supported by:
    Special Project of Capital Health Development and Research(2018-2-2111)

To explore the changing trend of assisted reproductive technology (ART) conceptions and adverse pregnancy outcomes among the live birth population in Beijing from 2015-2021.


The monitoring data of Beijing Maternal and Child Health Network Information System (BMCHINS) from 2015 to 2021 were extracted, and the trends of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as premature birth, low birth weight, full-term small baby and other risk factors of adverse outcomes of live births (hereinafter referred to as ART mothers) conceived by ART during these seven years were analyzed retrospectively. The study was conducted in accordance with World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki revised in 2013.


① From 2015 to 2021, a total of 43 485 ART live births and 36 056 ART mothers were monitored by BMCHINS. During these seven years, the proportion of ART live-born children and their mothers increased, and the differences were statistically significant (χ2=9 292.59, 8 750.12; P<0.001). ② The proportions of ART older pregnant women aged ≥35 years and ≥40 years were 36.3% (13 085/36 056) and 6.5% (2 340/36 056), respectively, which were significantly higher than those among all mothers [16.1% (224 295/1 389 457) and 2.0% (27 983/1 389 457)], with statistically significant differences (χ2=10 279.08, 3 381.89; P<0.001). The difference was statistically significant when comparing the increasing trend of ART conception rate among older mothers aged ≥35 years and ≥40 years (χ2=1 954.96, 317.91; P<0.001). ③ The rate of multiple births among ART live births was 34.3% (14 913/43 485), which was significantly higher than 3.1% of all live births (44 106/1 411 926), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=105 349.58, P<0.001). The increasing trend in the rate of ART births among multiple live births over 7 years was compared with a statistically significant (χ2=1 542.36, P<0.001). ④ The preterm birth rates among ART live births at gestational age<37 weeks and <32 weeks were 20.6% (8 967/43 485) and 2.7% (1 153/43 485), respectively, which were significantly higher than those of all live births at 6.1% (85 481/1 411 926) and 0.6% (8 274/1 411 926), and both differences were statistically significant (χ2=14 750.94, 2 796.68, P<0.001). The difference was statistically significant when comparing the upward trend in the rate of ART births among preterm live births over 7 years, respectively (χ2=926.96, 74.16, P<0.001). ⑤The difference was statistically significant when comparing the increasing trend of conception rate via ART among those with birth weight <2 500 g and <1 500 g over 7 years (χ2=804.68, 66.79, P<0.001).


The contribution of ART to the live birth population in Beijing is increasing year by year, and the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight among ART live births is increasing. Reducing the rate of ART multiple births is an effective measure to reduce the incidence of preterm birth and low birth weight.

表1 2015—2021年北京市ART助孕活产率及助孕分娩活产儿孕母占比比较[%(n/n′)]
表2 2015—2021年北京市ART高龄、超高龄孕妇占比情况及总体占比情况比较
表3 2015—2021年北京市ART活产儿与全部活产儿中多胎妊娠占比变化趋势
表4 2015—2021年北京市ART活产儿与全部活产儿中早产儿(出生胎龄分别为胎龄<37周和<32周)占比变化趋势
表5 2015—2021年北京市ART活产儿中低出生体重儿(出生体重<2 500g和出生体重<1 500 g)占比变化趋势
表6 2015—2021年北京市ART单胎活产儿早产(胎龄<37周)、低出生体重(出生体重<2 500 g)和足月小样儿占比变化趋势
年份(年) ART单胎活产儿中占比[%(n1/n1′)] 全部单胎活产儿中占比[%(n2/n2′)]
早产儿 低出生体重儿 足月小样儿 早产儿 低出生体重儿
2015 7.4 (113/1 521) 4.7 (71/1 521) 1.2 (19/1 521) 3.8 (7 141/185 903) 2.6 (4 752/185 903)
2016 8.5 (219/2 568) 5.5 (141/2 568) 1.1 (27/2 568) 4.6 (10 362/225 188) 3.0 (6 840/225 188)
2017 7.3 (240/3 277) 5.0 (165/3 277) 0.9 (28/3 277) 4.6 (11 512/251 789) 2.9 (7 415/251 789)
2018 8.2 (332/4 058) 5.4 (218/4 058) 0.9 (36/4 058) 4.8 (9 713/202 191) 3.2 (6 372/202 191)
2019 8.0 (435/5 427) 5.7 (307/5 427) 1.1 (60/5 427) 5.0 (10 269/207 055) 3.3 (6 872/207 055)
2020 7.9 (433/5 456) 5.2 (282/5 456) 0.9 (50/5 456) 5.4 (8 353/155 188) 3.6 (5 539/155 188)
2021 8.1 (510/6 265) 6.0 (375/6 265) 1.3 (83/6 265) 5.4 (7 619/140 506) 3.8 (5 324/140 506)
总体占比 8.0 (2 282/28 572) 5.5 (1 559/28 572) 1.1 (303/28 572) 4.7 (64 969/1 367 820) 3.2 (43 114/1 367 820)
年份(年) 全部单胎活产儿中占比[%(n2/n2′)] 全部单胎活产儿中经ART助孕者[%(n1/n2)]
足月小样儿 早产儿 低出生体重儿 足月小样儿
2015 0.9 (1 627/185 903) 1.6(113/7 141) 1.5(71/4 752) 1.2(19/1 627)
2016 0.9 (2 054/225 188) 2.1(219/10 362) 2.1(141/6 840) 1.3(27/2 054)
2017 0.9 (2 352/251 789) 2.1(240/11 512) 2.2(165/7 415) 1.2(28/2 352)
2018 0.9 (1 877/202 191) 3.4(332/9 713) 3.4(218/6 372) 1.9(36/1 877)
2019 1.0 (2 078/207 055) 4.2(435/10 269) 4.5(307/6 872) 2.9(60/2 078)
2020 1.0 (1 617/155 188) 5.2(433/8 353) 5.1(282/5 539) 3.1(50/1 617)
2021 1.1 (1 582/140 506) 6.7(510/7 619) 7.0(375/5 324) 5.2(83/1 582)
总体占比 1.0 (13 187/1 367 820) 3.5(2 282/64 969) 3.6(1 559/43 114) 2.3(303/13 187)
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