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Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2019, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (06): 655 -661. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2019.06.008

Special Issue:

Original Article

Human chorionic gonadotropin promotes in vitro embryo implantation by up-regulating the expression of integrin beta3 and osteopontin

Fangle Gu1, Xiaomei Zhang1, Dan Lu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University· Northern Jiangsu People′s Hospital, Yangzhou 225001, Jiangsu Province, China
  • Received:2019-04-24 Revised:2019-11-11 Published:2019-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Dan Lu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Lu Dan, Email:
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(81100421); Top Six Talent Peaks Program of Jiangsu(2014-WSW-080); Natural Science Foundation of Yangzhou(YZ2014050)

To explore the molecular regulatory mechanism of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) effect on embryo implantation in vitro.


Human trophoblast cell line BeWo and human endometrial cell line RL95-2 were selected as study cell lines. BeWo cells and RL95-2 cells were co-cultured to establish an in vitro embryo implantation model. Based on this model, the following research was carried out. ① The expression locations of integrin β3 and its ligand osteopontin (OPN) in BeWo cells were observed by indirect immunofluorescence; ② The effects of different contents of hCG on the relative expressions of integrin β3 and OPN in BeWo cells were analyzed through reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique; ③ The effects of hCG on the adhesion and implantation of BeWo spheroids to RL95-2 monolayer were observed by BeWo spheroids adhesion and outgrowth assays. The differences of relative expressions of integrin β3 and OPN mRNA were compared among different contents of hCG treated to BeWo cell, also the adhesion rates and expansion times of BeWo spheroids were compared between before and after hCG treatment by one-way ANOVA or t test.


① Integrin β3 and OPN were both expressed on the membrane surface of BeWo cells. ② The relative mRNA expression levels of integrin β3 and OPN were (2.07±0.57) and (1.95±0.48), respectively, after BeWo cells being treated with 1 000 IU/mL hCG, which were both higher than those of (1.12±0.31) and —(8.44±0.18), respectively, after BeWo cells being treated with 10 IU/mL hCG; Also, the relative mRNA expression level of integrin β3 after BeWo cells being treated with 1 000 IU/mL hCG was higher than that of (1.24±0.19) after BeWo cells being treated with 100 IU/mL hCG, and the differences above were statistically significant (P=0.007, 0.009, 0.014). ③ After BeWo cells being treated with 1 000 IU/mL hCG, the adhesion rate of BeWo globules co-cultrued with RL95-2 monolayers for 0.5 h was (89.51±6.47)%, which was significantly higher than that of (50.24±7.73)% of BeWo cells without being treated with hCG, and the difference was statistically significant (t=90.900, P<0.001). ④ After BeWo spheroids and RL95-2 monolayers being treated with 1 000 IU/mL hCG for 24 hours, the expansion times of BeWo spheroids was (2.28±0.52), which was higher than that of (1.93±0.36) without being treated with hCG, and the difference was statistically significant (t=6.864, P=0.012).


Being treated with hCG may promote embryo implantation in vitro by up-regulating the expression of integrin β3 and OPN on trophoblast surface.

表1 本研究采用的主要试剂、抗体及试剂盒等材料
表2 本研究3种引物的相关信息
图1 整合素β3和骨桥蛋白在无处理的BeWo单层细胞中定位表达的免疫荧光染色图(图1A:DAPI染成蓝色的细胞核;图1B:显示为红色荧光的整合素β3;图1C:显示为绿色荧光的骨桥蛋白;图1D:图1A、1B、1C的合成效果图,显示细胞核部分基本为蓝色,而绿色和红色荧光聚集于细胞核周围)(荧光显微镜,×200)
图2 整合素β3和骨桥蛋白在制备的对照组BeWo球状体中定位表达的免疫荧光染色图(图2A:DAPI染成蓝色的细胞核;图2B:显示为红色荧光的整合素β3;图2C:显示为绿色荧光的骨桥蛋白;图2D:图2A、2B、2C的合成效果图,显示细胞核部分基本为蓝色,而绿色和红色荧光聚集于细胞膜)(荧光显微镜,×200)
表3 不同含量人绒毛膜促性腺激素作用于BeWo细胞后BeWo细胞整合素β3及骨桥蛋白mRNA相对表达量比较(±s)
图3 细胞培养孔内BeWo球状体铺展情况照片(图3A、3B:分别为BeWo球状体+RL95-2单层细胞共培养1 h时BeWo球状体起始状态及24 h时BeWo球状体铺展状态;图3C、3D:分别为hCG+BeWo球状体+RL95-2单层细胞共培养1 h时BeWo球状体起始状态及24 h时BeWo球状体铺展状态)(倒置荧光显微镜,×200)
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