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Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2017, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (03): 354 -357. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2017.03.020

Special Issue:

Original Article

Curative effect of herb therapy on hand, foot and mouth disease in children

Sha Li1,(), Wei Zhang1   

  1. 1. Department of Pediatrics, Chengdu Women & Children′s Central Hospital, Chengdu 610091, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2017-04-12 Revised:2017-05-25 Published:2017-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Sha Li
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Li Sha, Email:

To explore the clinical therapeutic efficacy and possible mechanism of Jinlianqingre effervescent tablets on children with hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD).


A total of 790 outpatient children with common type HFMD who came to Chengdu Women & Children′s Central Hospital from January 2014 to February 2017, were chosen as study subjects. Random digits table was used to divide the 790 cases into Jinlianqingre effervescent tablets group (n=390) and Chaihuang granules group (n=400). The former was treated with Jinlianqingre effervescent tablets, and the latter was treated with Chaihuang granules, meanwhile, the two groups were given symptomatic and supportive treatments, such as defervesce and anti-infection, and so on. Progressive severe HFDM cases were admitted in inpatient department. All children were treated for 5 d in the outpatient department, and followed up for 3 d. The cure rates, incidence rates of severe HFDM cases and the time for clinical symptoms regression were compared between two groups statistically. There were no significant differences between two groups in general clinic data, such as age and gender constituent ratio.


①The fever rates of Jinlianqingre effervescent tablets group and Chaihuang granules group were 33.8% (132/390) and 28.2% (113/400) respectively, and there was no significant difference between two groups (χ2=2.890, P=0.089). The secondary bacterial infection rates of two groups were 18.5% (72/390) and 17.0% (68/400) respectively, and there was no significant difference between two groups (χ2=0.289, P=0.591). ②The incidence rate of severe HFDM cases in Jinlianqingre effervescent tablets group was 0.5% (2/390), it was lower than that of Chaihuang granules group, which was 2.3% (9/400), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.340, P=0.037). The 3 d and 5 d cure rates of Jinlianqingre effervescent tablets group were both higher than those of Chaihuang granules group, while the lower respiratory tract infection rate, as well as temperatures normalization time, herpes of mouth healing time and deflorescence time were lower or shorter than those of Chaihuang granules group, and all the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).


The therapeutic effect of Jinlianqingre effervescent tablets in chidren with common type HFMD is better than that of Chaihuang granules, and the incidence of severe HFMD cases is lower.

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