Chinese Medical E-ournals Database

Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2015, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (06): 689 -697. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2015.06.004

Special Issue:

Original Article

Evaluate the efficacy and safety of asarone injection in treating children with respiratory diseases

Yantao Liu1, Lingli Zhang1(), Liang Huang1, Linan Zeng1   

  1. 1. Department of Pharmacy, Evidence-Based Pharmacy Center, Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children, Ministry of Education, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2015-07-12 Revised:2015-11-15 Published:2015-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Lingli Zhang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhang Lingli, Email:

System assessment of the efficacy and safety of asarone injection in treating children with respiratory diseases.


All the randomized controlled trials (RCT) about treating children with respiratory disease with asarone injection were collected by searching MEDLINE database, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials(CENTRAL), VIP database, China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) database, China Biology Medicine(CBM) and Wanfang database, retrieval time from the database creation to June 2014, meanwhile combined with manual search. The data extraction of the included studies, assessment of methodological quality and cross check were performed independently by two reviewers who were trained by the project.Meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of asarone injection in treating children with respiratory diseases with RevMan 5.2 software.


A total of 14 RCTs about treating children with respiratory disease with asarone injection were included and involving 1 839 children.4 of 14 RCTs were ordinary quality, and another 10 RCTs were low quality.The results of meta-analysis showed that: ①Asarone injection was effective in treating children with respiratory diseases including bronchiolitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and asthmatic disease; ②In treating children with bronchiolitis, the total effective rate of asarone injection was superior to aminophylline(RR=1.25, 95%CI: 1.13-1.38, P<0.000 1)and houttuynia cordata(RR=1.32, 95%CI: 1.12-1.56, P=0.001 0), but can not think it superior to ribavirin(RR=1.25, 95%CI: 0.86-1.83, P=0.250 0); ③In treating children with pneumonia, the total effective rate of asarone injection was superior to ribavirin(RR=1.14, 95%CI: 1.04-1.25, P=0.005)and antibacterials(RR=1.19, 95%CI: 1.04-1.40, P=0.040); ④In treating children with bronchitis, the total effective rate of asarone injection was superior to aminophylline (RR=1.17, 95%CI: 1.04-1.32, P=0.01), but can not think it superior to ambroxol(RR=1.09, 95%CI: 0.99-1.19, P=0.07) or symptomatic treatment(RR=1.19, 95%CI: 0.94-1.51, P=0.15); ⑤In treating children with wheezing disorders, such as bronchiolitis, asthma with lung infections, the total effective rate of asarone injection was higher than potassium sodium dehydroandroan drographolide succinate, and the difference was statistically significant(97.6% vs 90.3%, χ2=11.12, P<0.01); ⑥In terms of safety, there were no significant differences between asarone injection with control group in incidence rate of allergic reaction and gastrointestinal reactions(P>0.05); The incidence rate of irritability and crying was lower than control group, and the difference was statistically significant(RR=0.24, 95%CI: 0.09-0.67, P=0.007).


Asarone injection is effective in treating children with respiratory disease.But because of the lower methodological quality and selection bias, performance bias and measurement bias of the included trials, it is necessary to perform more high-quality and large sample RCTs to confirm the exact efficacy and safety.

表1 纳入研究的基本情况
纳入文献(文献第一作者,发表年) 疾病名称 试验组病例数/对照组病例数 患儿年龄 干预措施及剂量 疗程(d) 有效性结果 安全性结果 结局指标a
试验组 对照组
石玉枝,2004[10] 毛细支气管炎 100/50 1~12个月 细辛脑注射液0.5~1 mg/(kg·次)+5%或10% GS,静脉滴注1次/d 鱼腥草注射液用量1 mL/(kg·次)+5%或10% GS静脉滴注1次/d 10 试验组的治愈率为97.8%,对照组的治愈率为70.0%(P<0.05) 未提及 ①⑤
申兆文,2004 [11] 毛细支气管炎 45/36 6个月至2岁 1 mg/(kg·d)+10%GS 100~200 mL,静脉滴注2次/d 利巴韦林用量为10 mg/(kg·d) +10%GS 100~150 mL,静脉滴注2次/d 5~7 试验组的总有效率为93.0%,对照组总有效率为72.0%(P<0.05);对照组痊愈15例(42.0%),好转11例(30.0%),无效10例(28.0%) 未提及 ①②④⑤
陈松柏,2005[12] 毛细支气管炎 56/58 3~6岁 0.5 mg/(kg·d),静脉滴注1次/d 氨茶碱注射液3 mg/(kg·d),静脉滴注1次/d 3~5 试验组的总有效率为92.9%,对照组总有效率为72.4%(P<0.05) 无任何不良反应 ②③④⑤
丁桂华,2005[13] 儿童支气管炎 50/50 6个月至14岁 0.5 mg/kg+5%GS 50 mL静脉滴注2次/d 氨溴索注射液用量0.6 mg/kg+5%GS 50 mL,静脉滴注2次/d 7 试验组的总有效率为88.0%,对照组总有效率为78.0% (P<0.01) 未提及 ①②③④⑤
金凌芳,2006[14] 肺炎 74/48 3~12岁 细辛脑注射液0.5~1 mg/(kg·d),静脉滴注1次/d 利巴韦林用量为10~15 mg/(kg·d)溶于4:1 GNS 100~250 mL,静脉滴注1次/d 7~10 试验组的总有效率为94.6%,对照组总有效率为83.3%(P<0.05) 试验组腹泻3例;对照组贫血5例,白细胞轻度减少10例 ②③④⑤
陶虹,2006[15] 毛细支气管炎 47/36 6个月至3岁 1 mg/(kg·d)+5%GS,静脉滴注2次/d 氨茶碱用量为4 mg/(kg·d),静脉滴注或口服3次/d 7 试验组显效、有效、无效的患者分别为14, 26, 7例;对照组分别为5, 18, 13例 试验组不良反应为2例;对照组不良反应为4例,烦躁为3例,面红及出汗为4例,心率增快为3例 ②③④⑤
朱小波,2008[16] 支气管哮喘 60/60 6~12个月 0.5~1 mg/kg,静脉滴注1次/d 抗菌药物、抗病毒药、β2受体激动剂及对症处理等 3 试验组的有效率为80.0%,对照组有效率为62.0%(P<0.05) 未提及 ②③⑤
范玲峰,2008[17] 肺炎 120/80 2个月至2.5岁 0.5 mg/ (kg·次)+10%GS静脉滴注1次/d或2次/d 根据不同病原体选择2种抗菌药物联用,静脉滴注2次/d 7 试验组的总有效率为81.3%,对照组总有效率为72.0%(P<0.05) 未提及 ①②④⑤
冯益真,2008[18] 毛细支气管炎、哮喘并发肺部感染 206/103 3个月至4.2岁 1 mg/(kg·d) +5%GS 50~100 mL,静脉滴注2次/d 炎琥宁5~10 mg/(kg·d)+5%GS 50~100 mL,静脉滴注2次/d 5~7 试验组的总有效率为97.6%,对照组总有效率为90.3%(P<0.05) 试验组及对照组变态反应发生率分别为1.96%和2.78%、炎琥宁组6例患儿有恶心、腹痛等胃肠反应,2例有变态反应性皮疹 ①②③④⑤
王海杰,2008[19] 支气管炎 72/72 12~13个月 0.5~1 mg/kg+5%GS静脉滴注2次/d 氨茶碱用量为4 mg/(kg·次)静脉滴注2次/d 5~7 试验组的总有效率为95.8%,对照组总有效率为69.4%(P<0.05) 未提及 ②③④⑤
孙萍,2008[20] 肺炎 70/60 3~12岁 细辛脑注射液0.5~1 mg/(kg·d),静脉滴注1次/d 利巴韦林用量为10~15 mg/(kg·d)溶于4:1 GNS 100~250 mL,静脉滴注1次/d 7~10 试验组的总有效为95.7%,对照组总有效率为83.3%(P<0.05) 未提及 ②③④⑤
贺丽霞,2009[21] 支气管哮喘 60/60 6~15个月 0.5~1 mg/kg+5%或10% GS,静脉滴注1次/d 抗菌药物、抗病毒药、β2受体激动剂及对症处理等 5~7 试验组痊愈患儿22例(36.7%),对照组痊愈8例(13.3%) 未提及 ①②③④⑤
石永生,2009[22] 毛细支气管炎 51/35 2个月至3岁 细辛脑注射液0.5~1.0 mg/(kg·次)+5%GS,静脉滴注1次/d或2次/d 氨茶碱3~5 mg/(kg·次),静脉滴注2次/d 5~7 试验组的总有效率为93.8%,对照组总有效率为75.2%(P<0.05) 试验组有2例出现烦躁;对照组有8例出现烦躁,12例出现心动过速
荀富强,2013[23] 毛细支气管炎 35/45 0.5个月至3岁 0.5 mg/(kg·d)+10%GS,静脉滴注1次/d 氨茶碱3~5 mg/(kg·次),静脉滴注1次/d 7 试验组痊愈12例(34.3%),有效20例(57.1%),无效3例(8.6%);对照组痊愈20例(57.8%),有效11例(24.4%),无效8例(17.8%) 试验组有3例出现烦躁,对照组有9例出现烦躁,7例出现心动过速 ①③④⑤
表2 纳入文献的方法学质量评价结果
图1 本研究6篇文献关于细辛脑注射液组及对照组治疗儿童毛细支气管炎总有效率的meta分析结果
图2 本研究3篇文献关于细辛脑注射液组和对照组治疗肺炎总有效率的meta分析结果
图3 本研究2篇文献关于细辛脑注射液组及对照组(对症治疗)治疗儿童支气管炎总有效率的meta分析结果(随机效应模型)
图4 本研究4篇文献关于细辛脑注射液组及对照组治疗儿童支气管炎总有效率的meta分析结果(固定效应模型)
图5 本研究5篇有关细辛脑注射液组和对照组治疗儿童呼吸系统疾病的不良反应发生率的meta分析结果
图6 本研究1篇有关细辛脑注射液组和对照组治疗儿童呼吸系统疾病的变态反应发生率的meta分析结果
图7 本研究3篇有关细辛脑注射液组和对照组治疗儿童呼吸系统疾病的烦躁哭闹发生率的meta分析结果
图8 本研究2篇有关细辛脑注射液组和对照组治疗儿童呼吸系统疾病的胃肠道反应的meta分析结果
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