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Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (01): 54 -61. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2021.01.008

Special Issue:

Original Article

Analysis of cesarean section rate based on Robson Ten-Group Classification

Fan Ge1,1, Jiachen Cao1,1, Yuting Zhu1,1, Xiang Kong1,2,1,2,()   

  • Received:2020-04-25 Revised:2020-12-13 Published:2021-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiang Kong
  • Supported by:
    Maternal and Child Health Research Project of Jiangsu Province(F201809); Postgraduate Practice Innovation Program of Yangzhou University(XSJCX19-117)

To investigate clinical application values on cesarean section rate in different groups of parturients based on Robson Ten-Group Classification method.


A total of 3 595 parturients with gestational age≥28 gestational weeks in Northern Jiangsu People′s Hospital from January 1 to December 31, 2019 were selected as research subjects. The 3 595 parturients were classified into 10 groups based on Robson Ten-Group Classification method: group 1 (n=685, primipara with gestational age ≥37 gestational weeks, single cephalic and spontaneous labour); group 2a (n=962, primipara with gestational age ≥37 gestational weeks, single cephalic and induced labour) or group 2b (n=258, primipara with gestational age ≥37 gestational weeks, single cephalic and cesarean section before labour); group 3 (n=325, multipara with gestational age ≥37 gestational weeks, single cephalic and spontaneous labour, excluding previous cesarean section); group 4 (n=237, multipara with gestational age ≥37 gestational weeks, single cephalic and induced labour or cesarean section before labour, excluding previous cesarean section); group 5 (n=575, multipara with gestational age ≥37 gestational weeks, single cephalic and previous cesarean section); group 6 (n=102, all nulliparous breeches); group 7 (n=52, all multiparous breeches, including previous cesarean section); group 8 (n=113, all multiple pregnancies, including previous cesarean section); group 9 (n=28, parturients with oblique or horizontal position pregnancy, including previous cesarean section); group 10 (n=258, parturients with gestational age<37 gestational weeks and single cephalic, including previous cesarean section). Retrospective analysis was used to collect clinical case data of all subjects, including cesarean section delivery history, cesarean section types, and indications for cesarean section and so on. The cesarean section rate of these 10 groups of parturients and distribution of cesarean section delivery indications were analyzed. The procedures followed in this study were in line with the requirements of World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki revised in 2013.


①Among 3 595 parturients, the cesarean section rate was 41.75% (1 501/ 3 595), and 44.84% (673/1 501) of them were delivered by elective cesarean section. Among indications of cesarean section, scarred uterus accounted for 41.77% (627/1 501), malposition of fetus accounted for 10.26% (154/1 501), and abnormal labor process accounted for 9.26% (139/ 1 501), respectively. ②Analysis of 3 595 parturients using Robson Ten-Group Classification method showed that parturients in group 2 accounted for the largest proportion, 33.94% (1 220/3 595), and followed by parturients in group 1 and group 5, which were 19.05% (685/3 595) and 15.99% (575/ 3 595), respectively. The number of parturients with cesarean section in group 5, 2 and 10 ranked the top 3, accounting for 76.95% (1 155/1 501) of all parturients with cesarean section, and accounting for 32.13% (1 155/3 595) of all parturients. The cesarean section rates in group 5 to group 9 all were above 90%. ③The primary indication of cesarean section was abnormal labor process in group 1 and group 2a, accounting for 73.91% (17/23) and 67.44% (116/172), respectively. The primary indication of cesarean section in group 5 and group 10 was scar uterus, accounting for 98.59% (559/567) and 34.81% (55/158), respectively. In group 6, 7 and 9, the primary indication of cesarean section was malposition, accounting for 93.94% (93/99), 66.00% (33/50) and 100.00% (28/28), respectively. The primary indication of cesarean section in group 8 was multiple pregnancy, which accounted for 91.51% (97/106). Among the 86 parturients who received cesarean section without cesarean section indication, the proportion of parturients in group 2b was the highest, which was 90.70% (78/86).


Based on Robson Ten-Group Classification method, analysis of cesarean section rate and cesarean section delivery indications of different groups of parturients will help clinicians quickly identify the target population who needs to reduce cesarean section rate, and analyze the specific cesarean section delivery conditions of target population, so as to develop more effective and targeted interventions to control cesarean section rate.

表1 Robson十分类法产妇分类标准
表2 本研究3 595例产妇基本情况及产科相关特点[例数(%)]
表3 Robson十分类法的10类产妇剖宫产术分娩率、各类剖宫产术分娩的总体占比及构成比比较
表4 本研究1 501例剖宫产术分娩产妇的剖宫产术分娩指征分析[例数(%)]
表5 本研究1 501例剖宫产术分娩产妇剖宫产术分娩指征分布情况[例数(%)]
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