Chinese Medical E-ournals Database

Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2020, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (03): 288 -298. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2020.03.006

Special Issue:

Original Article

Literatures analysis on efficacy and safety of diazoxide in treatment of children with congenital hyperinsulinemia

Lili Lou1, Hongling Fu1, Hanmin Liu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Pediatrics, Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children (Sichuan University), Ministry of Education, Vascular Remodeling and Developmental Defects Research Unit of West China Institute of Women and Children′s Health, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2020-02-10 Revised:2020-03-15 Published:2020-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Hanmin Liu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Liu Hanmin, Email:
  • Supported by:
    Key Research and Development Project of Sichuan Science and Technology Department(19ZDYF1169)

To explore efficacy and safety of diazoxide in treatment of children with congenital hyperinsulinemia (CHI).


Literatures on efficacy and safety of diazoxide in treatment of children with CHI published at home and abroad were searched by computer. PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMbase, China Biology Medicine disc, Wanfang, VIP and China National Knowledge Infrastructure databases were searched manually and automatically by computer from the date of database inception to September 2019, with the language restricted to Chinese and English. Microsoft Office Excel was used to analyze the basic features of literature, clinical symptoms and gene mutations in children with CHI, therapeutic effects of diazoxide and occurrence of adverse reactions.


①Literatures search results: according to search strategy, 24 pieces of literatures in line with the inclusion and exclusion criteria of this study, including 791 cases of children with CHI were enrolled. ②Basic characteristics of literatures: the distributions of literature published in 1998-2007, 2008-2014, and 2015-2019 were 6 pieces (25.0%), 5 pieces (20.8%) and 13 pieces (54.2%), respectively. The children with CHI enrolled in 9 pieces (37.5%) of literatures were distributed in Asia, and children with CHI in 4 pieces (16.7%), 2 pieces (8.3%) and 9 pieces (37.5%) of literatures were distributed in United States, Australia and Europe, respectively. ③Clinical symptoms and genetic test results in children with CHI: among the 24 pieces of literatures, 18 pieces (75.0%) reported the onset symptoms of 309 cases of children with CHI included in the study, and 147 cases (47.6%) of them showed symptoms of convulsive seizures with increased autonomic nerves excitability, while the rest of the children had atypical clinical manifestations, including pale paleness, breast rejection, easy to provoke, etc.. And 13 pieces (54.2%) of literatures reported gene mutations in 627 cases of children with CHI, and 123 cases (19.6%) had ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP) related genes mutations, such as ABCC8 and/or KCNJ11 gene, 44 cases (7.0%) had GLUD1 gene mutations, 10 cases (1.6%) had GCK gene mutations, 3 cases (0.5%) had HNF4A gene mutations, and 10 cases (1.6%) had other gene mutations, while the other 437 cases (69.7%) were without genetic mutations. ④Treatment results of diazoxide and prognoses of CHI children: among the 791 cases of CHI children enrolled in 24 pieces of literatures, 207 cases (26.2%) were effective with treatment of diazoxide, 548 cases (69.3%) were ineffective, and the efficacy of diazoxide in other 36 cases was uncertain (6 cases gave up treatment, 12 cases did not use diazoxide, and 18 cases stopped treatment with diazoxide due to its adverse reactions). 11 pieces of literatures reported the blood glucose control results of 196 cases of CHI children after treatment with diazoxide, and blood glucose returned to normal in 58 cases (7.3%) of children, blood glucose of the remaining 138 cases (70.4%) were still abnormal after treatment with diazoxide. 10 pieces of literatures reported the prognostic outcomes of 110 cases of CHI children, of which 42 cases (38.2%) developed mental retardation, 2 cases died, and the remaining 66 cases (60.0%) did not develop symptoms of mental retardation. ⑤Adverse reactions of diazoxide: 162 cases (20.5%) of hypertrichosis, 118 cases (14.9%) of cardiovascular-related adverse reactions, 53 cases (6.7%) of gastrointestinal adverse reactions, 48 cases (6.1%) of neutropenia, 16 cases (2.0%) of thrombocytopenia, 3 cases (0.4%) of hyperkalemia, and 22 cases (2.8%) of other adverse reactions, such as hyperuricemia, ketone acidosis complicated with hyperosmolar coma, etc..


Some CHI children are not sensitive to treatment of diazoxide because of genetic mutations. Diazoxide has different therapeutic effects on children with CHI, resulting in many adverse reactions, involving multiple systems. At present, the literatures on efficacy and safety of diazoxide in treatment of CHI children are incomplete and biased, and more multi-center and high-quality clinical studies are needed to further confirm its efficacy and safety.

图1 本研究二氮嗪治疗先天性高胰岛素血症患儿的疗效及其安全性相关文献筛选流程及结果
表1 24篇文献中纳入研究的791例先天性高胰岛素血症患儿一般临床资料分析
文献(第一作者,文献发表年) 国别 例数[男(例)/女(例)] 出生体重(g) 出生胎龄(周) CHI家族史 发病时间(出生后) 惊厥发作[例数(%)] 血糖浓度(mmol/L) 胰岛素水平
苏畅[17],2010 中国 10/5 4 030±590 35~40 1 h至25 d 11(73.3) 0~5.3 (31.01±24.43) mIU/L
吴莉[18],2013 中国 1/0 3 600 38 16 h 1(100.0) 0.55 15.4 IU/L
李翠玲[19],2009 中国 3 a 2 900 g(1例),> 4 000 g(2例) 3(100.0) <2.2 >10 mIU/L
Xu[3],2019 中国 47/18 3 690 足月 0~7岁 36(55.4) 1.96±0.56
Ni[16],2019 中国 29/21 4 008±645(男性),3 810±600(女性) 0~11岁 2.10 25.6 mIU/L(2.5~156.0 mIU/L)
Su[20],2018 中国 9/17 3 500 37~41 1 d至3岁 23(88.5)
Lee[21],2016 中国 8/5 3 000~5 840 36~40 1~8个月 2(15.4) 1.10 37.4 mIU/L
Mangla[22],2018 印度 1/0 无,但是患儿父母为近亲结婚 1~7 d 1.10 12.3 mIU/L
Yoshida[13],2014 日本 80/54 662~4 215 26.9~42.0
Kylat[11],2019 美国 0/1 460 23 12周 0(0)
Herrera[4],2018 美国 166/129 3 180 35.7~39.0
Timlin[23],2017 美国 3/0 35~40 0~30 h 0(0)
Narayanaswamy[24],2010 美国 2/0 2 610 足月 4 d与7个月 0(0) 1.6~1.7 11 μIU/mL与17 μIU/mL
Stanik[27],2017 斯洛伐克 0/1 3 900 38+3 <1 h 0(0) 1.50 26.3 mIU/L
Dastamani[28],2017 英国 0/1 2岁 0(0)
Martinez[29],2016 西班牙 18/32 3 570±746 31~41 无,但是患儿父母为近亲结婚 <1个月(26例);1个月至2岁(21例);>2岁(3例) 17(34.0) 1.61±0.7 (26±37)μIU/mL
Giri[14],2016 英国 0/1 <1 h 2.00 13.94 μIU/mL
Shah[15],2015 英国 0/1 2 900 足月 5个月
McGlacken-Byrne[30],2014 爱尔兰 0/1 4 560 足月 1 h 0(0) <2.2 2.65 μIU/mL
Wabitsch[31],2007 德国 0/1 3 660 40 7个月 1(100.0) 1.60 6.34 μIU/mL
Ismail[25],2005 澳大利亚 3/11 有,并且患儿父母为近亲结婚 1~13个月 10(71.4) <2.6
Tyrrell1[26],2001 澳大利亚 11/9 无,但是患儿父母为近亲结婚 1 d至10个月 12(60.0) <2.2 4.6~97.0 mIU/L
Touati[32],1998 法国 77 a 3 410 1~13岁 16(20.8) 1.90±0.70 (15.8±11.6) μU/mL
Dacou-Voutetakis[33],1998 希腊 5/10 3 354±495 1 d至12个月 15(100.0)
表2 24篇文献中,纳入研究的791例先天性高胰岛素血症患儿基因突变、胰腺18F-Dopa PET/CT检查、二氮嗪治疗疗效、患儿预后及随访分析
文献(第一作者,文献发表年) 例数(例) 基因突变形式 胰腺18F-Dopa PET/CT检查结果 二氮嗪治疗剂量[mg/(kg·d)]b 二氮嗪治疗疗效及CHI患儿预后(例) 随访时间
突变类型 突变来源 有效 无效 血糖恢复正常 精神运动发育迟缓
苏畅[17],2010 15 未见异常 5.0~10.0 2 7 c 2 10 10年
吴莉[18],2013 1 未见异常 10.0 1 0 1 1 3个月
李翠玲[19],2009 3 未见异常 5.0~8.0 2 1 2 1
Xu[3],2019 65 ABCC8基因:12例(18.5%),GLUD1基因:5例(7.7%) ABCC8基因:父系(2/65),母系(1/65) 10.0~15.0 40 13 d 14 7年
Ni[16],2019 50 ABCC8+KCNJ11基因:22例(44.0%) 胰腺组织局灶性/弥漫性病变分别为16例(32.0%)与34例(68.0%) 5.0~15.0 6 26 e
Su[20],2018 26 GLUD1基因:26例(100.0%) 2.0~12.5 26 0 11 15年
Lee[21],2016 13 未进行基因检测 未进行基因检测 10.0~20.0 5 8 5 4 20年
Mangla[22],2018 1 未检测到基因突变 未检测到基因突变 12.0 1 0 1 1
Yoshida[13],2014 134 KATP相关基因:3例(2.2%) 3.0~25.0 70 64 2年
Kylat[11],2019 1 15.0 1 0 死亡 8个月
Herrera[4],2018 295 ABCC8+KCNJ11基因:63例(21.3%),HNF1A-HI基因:7例(2.4%),GCK-HI基因:5例(1.7%),GLUD1-HI基因:10例(3.4%),HADH-HI基因:1例(0.3%),HNF4A-HI基因:1例(0.3%),Hypomethylation of 6q24:1例(0.3%),Beckwith-Wiedemann综合征相关基因突变:1例(0.3%),无:116例(39.3%),未知:90例(30.5%)a 10.0~15.0 295 0 12年
Timlin[23],2017 3 8.0~13.0 3 0 3
Narayanaswamy[24],2010 2 20.0 2 0 2 0
Stanik[27],2017 1 HNF4A基因 母系 2.4 1 0
Dastamani[28],2017 1 ABCC8基因 母系 15.9 1 0 进展为糖尿病
Martinez[29],2016 50 KATP相关基因:21例(42.0%),GLUD1基因:3例(6.0%),GCK基因:4例(8.0%) 15.0±5.2 30 20
Giri[14],2016 1 ABCC8基因 胰腺组织弥漫性病变 5.0 1 0
Shah[15],2015 1 未检测到基因突变 未检测到基因突变 10.0 1 0 2.5年
McGlacken-Byrne[30],2014 1 HNF4A基因 非父母系 4.8 1 0
Wabitsch[31],2007 1 GCK基因 母系 3.0 1 0
Ismail[25],2005 14 9 5 9 16年
Tyrrell1[26],2001 20 8.0~27.0 5 15 5 >10年
Touati[32],1998 77 15.0 35 42 19 10年
Dacou-Voutetakis[33],1998 15 未见异常 10.0~15.0 9 6 9 0 20年
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