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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (01) : 100 -106. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2020.01.013

所属专题: 文献


唐英1, 唐方祥1, 胡辉权1,(), 徐凡1, 宾冬梅2   
  1. 1. 川北医学院附属南充市中心医院妇科,四川 637000
    2. 南充市妇幼保健院,四川 637000
  • 收稿日期:2019-10-18 修回日期:2020-01-07 出版日期:2020-02-01
  • 通信作者: 胡辉权

Predictive value of preoperative lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio on pelvic lymph node metastasis of early cervical cancer patients

Ying Tang1, Fangxiang Tang1, Huiquan Hu1,(), Fan Xu1, Dongmei Bin2   

  1. 1. Department of Gynecology, Affiliated Nanchong Central Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637000, Sichuan Province, China
    2. Nanchong Maternal and Child Care Service Centre, Nanchong 637000, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2019-10-18 Revised:2020-01-07 Published:2020-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Huiquan Hu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Hu Huiquan, Email:
  • Supported by:
    Science & Technology Program by Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province(2015JY0056); Program by Bureau of Science & Technology and Intellectual Property of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province(17YFZJ0005, 18YFZJ0012)

唐英, 唐方祥, 胡辉权, 徐凡, 宾冬梅. 淋巴细胞与单核细胞比值对早期宫颈癌患者盆腔淋巴结转移的预测价值[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2020, 16(01): 100-106.

Ying Tang, Fangxiang Tang, Huiquan Hu, Fan Xu, Dongmei Bin. Predictive value of preoperative lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio on pelvic lymph node metastasis of early cervical cancer patients[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2020, 16(01): 100-106.






①单因素分析结果:PLNM(+)组与PLNM(-)组患者FIGO临床分期、手术切除组织的病理学分级、组织病理学类型、肿瘤直径、血清SCC-Ag含量、术中是否发现脉管癌栓及宫旁浸润、宫颈间质浸润深度、LMR构成比比较,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=13.057、18.998、9.584、85.667、7.225、88.538、69.807、32.644、126.453,P<0.05)。②多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果:早期宫颈癌患者FIGO临床分期为ⅡA期(OR=2.805,95%CI:1.224~4.160,P=0.009),手术切除组织的病理学分级为G1(OR=2.256,95%CI:1.245~6.323,P=0.013),脉管癌栓(OR=5.818,95%CI:3.139~10.782,P<0.001),宫旁浸润(OR=4.482,95%CI:1.730~11.615,P<0.002),肿瘤直径≥4 cm(OR=3.955,95%CI:2.119~7.383,P<0.001),以及血清SCC-Ag含量≥1.6 ng/mL(OR=1.909,95%CI:1.057~3.446,P=0.032),均为早期宫颈癌患者发生PLNM的危险因素,而LMR>2.2(OR=0.155,95%CI:0.081~0.296,P<0.001),则为早期宫颈癌患者发生PLNM的保护因素。③ROC曲线分析结果:LMR预测早期宫颈癌患者PLNM的ROC-AUC为0.790(95%CI:0.753~0.825,P<0.001)。根据约登指数(Youden index)最大原则,LMR预测早期宫颈癌患者发生PLNM的最佳临界值为2.2,此时其预测早期宫颈癌患者发生PLNM的敏感度为66.4%,特异度为85.9%。




To explore the value of lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR) on pelvic lymph node metastasis (PLNM) of early cervical cancer patients.


The clinical and pathological data of 516 patients with early cervical cancer whose initial treatment were radical hysterectomy in the Affiliated Nanchong Central Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College from January 2008 to January 2018 were selected into this study. According to being accompanied with PLNM or not, they were divided into PLNM (+ ) group (n=113) and PLNM(-)group (n=403). Retrospective analysis was used to analyze clinical data of all subjects. Chi-square was used to statistically compare the proportions of the age, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) clinical stages, histopathological grades, histopathological types, vessel carcinoma embolus, parametrial invasion, cervical interstitial invasion depth, tumor diameters, levels of serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen(SCC-Ag), LMR between two groups. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of LMR predicting PLNM in early cervical cancer patients was drawn and analyzed, and the area under ROC curve (ROC-AUC) was calculated. The accuracy of LMR in the prediction of PLNM in early cervical cancer patients was evaluated by multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis. This study met the requirements of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki revised in 2013. There was no significant difference between two groups in age (P>0.05).


①The results of univariate analysis showed that there were significant differences in proportions of FIGO clinical stages, histopathological grades, histopathological types, tumor diameters, levels of serum SCC-Ag, vessel carcinoma embolus, parametrial invasion, depth of cervical interstitial invasion and LMR (χ2=13.057, 18.998, 9.584, 85.667, 7.225, 88.538, 69.807, 32.644, 126.453; P<0.05). ②The results of multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that FIGO clinical stage ⅡA (OR=2.805, 95%CI: 1.224-4.160, P=0.009), histopathological grade G1 (OR=2.256, 95%CI: 1.245-6.323, P=0.013), vessel carcinoma embolus (OR=5.818, 95%CI: 3.139-10.782, P<0.001), parametrial invasion (OR=4.482, 95%CI: 1.730-11.615, P<0.002), tumor diameters≥4 cm (OR=3.955, 95%CI: 2.119-7.383, P<0.001), levels of serum SCC-Ag≥1.6 ng/mL (OR=1.909, 95%CI: 1.057-3.446, P=0.032) were risk factors of PLNM in early cervical cancer patients, while LMR > 2.2 (OR=0.155, 95%CI: 0.081-0.296, P<0.001) was the protective factor of PLNM in early cervical cancer patients. ③The ROC curve of LMR predicting PLNM of early cervical cancer showed that the ROC-AUC was 0.790 (95%CI: 0.753-0.825, P<0.001). According to the maximum principle of the Youden index, the optimal cut-off value of LMR predicting PLNM in patients with early cervical cancer was 2.2, and the sensitivity and specificity were 66.4% and 85.9%, respectively.


Peripheral blood LMR>2.2 is an independent protective factor to predict PLNM of early cervical cancer.

表1 本组516例早期宫颈癌患者的一般临床资料
表2 2组早期宫颈癌患者发生盆腔淋巴结转移影响因素的单因素分析结果[例数(%)]
表3 早期宫颈癌患者发生盆腔淋巴结转移影响因素的多因素非条件logistic回归分析变量含义及赋值
表4 早期宫颈癌患者发生盆腔淋巴结转移影响因素的多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果
图1 LMR预测早期宫颈癌患者发生PLNM的ROC曲线
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