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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2005, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (01) : 15 -19. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2005.01.109


宁刚, 周翔平, 刘关键, 吴康敏, 谢蜀祥, 向承发, 陈锡建   
  1. 610041 成都,四川大学华西第二医院放射科
  • 出版日期:2005-04-20

Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis in bone age estimation for girls with idiopathic precociouspuberty

Gang NING, Xiang-ping ZHOU, Guan-jian LIU, Kang-min WU, Shu-xiang XIE, Cheng-fa XIANG, Xi-jian CHEN   

  1. Dept. of Radiology, West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University,
    Dept. of Radiology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University,
    Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology of Sichuan University,
    Dept. of Pediatrics, West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University,
    Dept. of Reproductive endocrinology, West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University
  • Published:2005-04-20

宁刚, 周翔平, 刘关键, 吴康敏, 谢蜀祥, 向承发, 陈锡建. ROC曲线分析在性早熟女孩骨龄评价中的应用[J]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2005, 01(01): 15-19.

Gang NING, Xiang-ping ZHOU, Guan-jian LIU, Kang-min WU, Shu-xiang XIE, Cheng-fa XIANG, Xi-jian CHEN. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis in bone age estimation for girls with idiopathic precociouspuberty[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2005, 01(01): 15-19.


研究ROC曲线分析在特发性性早熟(idiopathic precocious puberty, IPP)女孩骨龄诊断中的实用价值。


参照"金标准"选择特发性性早熟患儿55例,年龄为3. 2岁~9. 9岁(7. 55±1. 90)岁。对照组包括:A组。10岁以后月经初潮者为14例,平均年龄为(11.45±1.05)岁;B组。8岁~10岁,体重偏轻者25例,平均年龄为(9. 2±0. 67)岁;C组。8岁~10岁,体重正常者32例,平均年龄为(9. 11±0. 74)岁;D组。8岁~10岁,体重偏重者12例,平均年龄为(9.61±0.66)岁。回顾性分析初诊时,第一张左手腕X光片,用TW2法盲法分期,骨龄结果分为13骨骨龄、7骨骨龄和20骨骨龄3个系统,每个系统设5个工作点,即(1)>P97、(2)>P90、(3)>P75、(4)>P50和(5)≤P50。


敏感度和特异度都比较高的有以下4个工作点:(1)13骨骨龄的" >P90"点(Sen= 0.836,Spe = 0. 916);(2)7骨骨龄的">P90"点(Sen= 0. 746,Spe = 0. 916);(3)20骨骨龄的">P90"点(Sen= 0. 746,Spe=0. 964 ) ;(4 ) ">P75"点(Sen =0. 982,Spe = 0. 783)。3条ROC曲线下而积分别为:(1) 13骨骨龄为0. 939±0. 019(95%CI为0. 902~0. 977 ) ;(2)7骨骨龄A7为0. 899 ± 0. 028(95%CI为0. 845 ~0. 954);(3)20骨骨龄A20为0. 958±0. 014(95%CI为0. 930~0. 986)。




To investigate the diagnostic value of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis of bone age for female idiopathic precocious puberty.


Fifty-five girls aged3. 2~9. 9(7. 55 ± 1. 90) years with idiopathic precocious puberty were enrolled. Among them 36 cases under 8 (6. 07± 1. 72) years old had breast development ; 20 cases aged 5. 0~9. 75 (8. 75 ± 1. 26) years experienced menophania. Four control groups were designed : Control group A had 14 cases over 10(11. 45 ± 1. 05) years old with menophania; Control group B 25 cases aged 8~9 (9. 2 ± 0. 67) years with low-weight ; Control group C 32 cases aged 8~10 (9. 11 ± 0. 74) years with normal weight ; Control group D 12 cases aged 8~10 (9. 61 ±0. 66) years with over-weight. The first radiographs of the left hand and wrist were used for bone age estimation with a single-blind analysis using the Tanner and Whitehouse(TW2) methods. Systems of RUS, carpal, and 20 bones were used for bone ages. Five decision thresholds were set in each system.


Four points were relatively high for both sensitivity and specificity: (1)RUS of ">P90" (Sen = 0. 836, Spe = 0. 916), (2)carpale of ">P90" (Sen = 0. 746, Spe =0. 916),(3) 20 bone of ">P90" (Sen = 0. 746, Spe = 0. 964) and (4) ">P75" (Sen = 0. 982,Spe = 0. 783); For the area under a ROC curve, RUS of A13 = 0. 939 ± 0. 019 (95%CI:0. 902~0. 977), carpale of A7 =0. 899 ± 0. 028 (95%CI:0. 845 ~ 0. 954), 20 bone of A20 = 0. 958 ± 0. 014 (95%CI: 0. 930 ~ 0. 986), F =2. 03, P=0. 13.


The bone age of RUS and 20 bones were high in accuracy for diagnosing idiopathic precocious puberty. The decision threshold of RUS of ">P90" was the best diagnostic point when both sensitivity and specificity were considered.

图1 性早熟患儿3种骨龄评价的ROC曲线
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