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Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2017, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (05): 563 -568. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2017.05.011

Special Issue:

Original Article

Analysis of clinical effects on treating psychosomatic disorder in pregnancy by multidisciplinary cooperation medical system and different single intervention measures

Feng Qin1,(), Lijun Xiao2, Lixin Zhang3, Shuxia Wang3, Jing Sun3, Junmei Chen3, Ting Liu3, Linying Xu3, Wei Xue3, Zhengmei Gao4, Shuangyan Chen4, Mengfang Wu4, Weiwei Huang4, Juan Hu4, Haiying Lan5, Yanfang Zeng5, Ying Ding5, Yuxia Zou5, Yingli Wang6, Cui Lyu6, Ping Wu7, Yajing Zhang7, Xiaoyan He8, Jing Wang8, Wanfen Wu8, Xuelan Gu8   

  1. 1. The General Research Group of National Maternal Physical and Mental Health Clinic, Beijing 100142, China
    2. Scientific Research Office, Bayi Children′s Hospital, General Hospital of Beijing Military Region, Beijing 100700, China
    3. Study Base of Psychosomatic Health Outpatient for Pregnant Women, Dagang Maternal and Child Care Center, Binhai New Area, Tianjin 300270, China
    4. Study Base of Psychosomatic Health Outpatient for Pregnant Women, Lin′an Maternal and Child Health Care and Family Planning Service Center, Lin′an 311300, Zhejiang Province, China
    5. Study Base of Psychosomatic Health Outpatient for Pregnant Women, Yuexiu District Maternal and Child Care Center, Guangzhou 510055, Guangdong Province, China
    6. Study Base of Psychosomatic Health Outpatient for Pregnant Women, Yantai Mountain Hospital, Yantai, Yantai 264000, Shandong Province, China
    7. Study Base of Psychosomatic Health Outpatient for Pregnant Women, Hebei District Maternal and Child Care and Family Planning Service Center, Tianjin 300150, China
    8. Study Base of Psychosomatic Health Outpatient for Pregnant Women, Yangzhou Maternal and Child Care Service Center, Yangzhou 225002, Jiangsu Province, China
  • Received:2017-07-18 Revised:2017-08-25 Published:2017-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Feng Qin
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Qin Feng, Email:

To investigate clinical effects of treating psychosomatic disorder (PSD) in pregnancy by using the physiological regulation, psychological adjustment and music conditioning (PPM) treatment under the multidisciplinary cooperation mode and by using only one of three measures above of PPM treatment.


A total of 95 pregnant women who were confirmed as PSD in pregnancy when performing the prenatal examinations from March to May 2017 in the research bases in psychosomatic health outpatients for pregnant women of six medical institutions such as Dagang Maternal and Child Care Center, Binhai New Area, Tianjin, etc., were chosen as research subjects. The 95 cases were randomly sampled by lotting, and were assigned to four groups, namely, PPM treatment group (n=25, adopted PPM treatment), physiological regulation intervention group (n=25, adopted physiological regulation measure), psychological adjustment intervention group (n=22, adopted psychological adjustment measure), and music conditioning intervention group (n=23, adopted music conditioning measure). After finishing 3 weeks of treatment for 4 groups, the statistical method was used to compare the differences between PPM treatment group and other three groups with single intervention measure, respectively, in cardinal symptoms of physical dysfunction as the chief complaint, functional status of autonomic nervous system (ANS), and scores of Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA). The procedure followed by this study met the ethical standards set by the Human Trial Board of the above mentioned medical institutions, it was approved by their Ethics Committees and agreed by the study subjects, and the informed consent of clinical research was signed with them.


① There were no significant differences among 4 groups of pregnant women before treatment in general clinical data, functional status of ANS and HAMA scors (P>0.05). ②After treatment for 4 groups of pregnant women, the comparison results of changes of cardinal symptoms of physical dysfunction as the chief complaint showed that: The therapeutic effect of PPM treatment group was better than that of each group with single intervention measure, respectively, and all the differences were statistically significant (P<0.001), and the cardinal symptoms of physical dysfunction as the chief complaint in PPM treatment group was eliminated completely for majority cases, and partially removed or relieved for minority cases. ③Constituent ratio of ANS functional status was compared between PPM treatment group and each group with single intervention measure after treatment, respectively, and all the differences were statistically significant (P<0.001), and ANS functional statuses of pregnant women in PPM treatment group were all the balanced ones, however, pregnant women in other 3 groups with single intervention measure were still mainly the disordered ones. HAMA scores of pregnant women in PPM treatment group was lower than that of each group with single intervention measure after treatment, respectively, and all the differences were statistically significant (P<0.001).


The therapeutic effect was significant in treating PSD in pregnancy by using PPM treatment (based on perinatal health care and obstetrics) under the multidisciplinary cooperation mode, which also had the therapeutic effect on anxiety and depression of pregnant women. Treating PSD in pregnancy only by using single intervention measure of one of three measures of PPM treatment had poor therapeutic effect.

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