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Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2017, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (03): 293 -298. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2017.03.009

Special Issue:

Original Article

Research of breast feeding intention in the future of early pregnancy women and its influence factors

Huaxuan You1, Biru Luo1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children (Sichuan University), Ministry of Education, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2017-03-06 Revised:2017-04-18 Published:2017-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Biru Luo
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Luo Biru, Email:

To investigate the breast feeding intention in the future of early pregnancy women and explore its influence factors, and to provide references for early intervention of breast feeding.


Convenience sampling method was conducted and 576 early pregnancy women having antenatal examination in a certain grade A teritary hospital of Chengdu from March to June of 2016 were chosen as research subjects. Self-made Breast Feeding Intention in the Future and Influencing Factors in Early Pregnancy Questionnaire was used to investigate the social demographic factors (18 items), breast situation (4 items) and breast feeding intention in the future (26 items). Statistical descriptions and binary logistic regression were conducted to analyze the influence factors of breast feeding intention in the future of early pregnancy.


①A total of 600 questionnaires were issued and 576 valid questionnaires were returned. The effective questionnaire return ratio was 96.0%. ②Among the 576 cases of early pregnancy women, 97.4% (561/576) pregnancy women intended to breast feed in the future, and 90.6% (522/576) pregnancy women had confidence in breast feeding after delivery, 74.0% (427/576) women knew the advantages of breast feeding, 43.9% (253/576) women knew the disadvantages of non-breastfeeding, 82.8% (477/576) women needed breast feeding instruction. Among the 576 early pregnancy women, 90.3% (520/576) had normal breast shape, and 98.1% (510/520) of them were willing to breast feed in the future in the future. And 76.7% (442/576) pregnancy women had normal nipple type, and 98.9% (437/442) of them intended to breast feed in the future. There were statistical differences in the rates of willing to breast feed in the future between different breast shapes of early pregnancy women and different nipple types of early pregnancy women, respectively (χ2=9.78, P=0.002; χ2=16.25, P<0.001). ③Results of binary logistic regression analysis of influence factors of breast feeding intention in the future of early pregnancy women indicated that the breast shape, nipple type and awareness or partial awareness of hazards of non-breastfeeding all were the independent influence factors of breast feeding intention in early pregnancy (OR=3.544, 95%CI: 1.028-12.218, P=0.045; OR=5.858, 95%CI: 1.858-18.477, P=0.003; OR=0.062, 95%CI: 0.014-0.269, P<0.001; OR=0.900, 95%CI: 0.025-0.322, P<0.001).


The breast feeding intention in the future of early pregnancy women is good. Breast feeding instruction is needed. Influence factors of breast feeding intention in early pregnancy include breast shape, nipple type and awareness or partial awareness of hazards of non-breastfeeding. Health education should focus on the pregnancy women with abnormal breast or nipple type and emphasize the hazards of non-breastfeeding after delivery, in order to improve breast feeding rate.

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表3 接受问卷调查的576例早孕期妇女不同乳房外型、乳头类型日后母乳喂养意愿比较结果[例数(%)]
表4 早孕期妇女日后母乳喂养意愿影响因素的变量含义及其赋值
表5 接受问卷调查的576例早孕期妇女日后母乳喂养意愿影响因素二分类logistic逐步回归分析结果
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