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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (03) : 302 -311. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2024.03.009


夏婷君1, 段耀祥1, 段霞2, 刘金凤2,()   
  1. 1. 同济大学附属妇产科医院·上海市第一妇婴保健院产房,上海 200040
    2. 同济大学附属妇产科医院·上海市第一妇婴保健院护理部,上海 200040
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-12 修回日期:2024-05-10 出版日期:2024-06-01
  • 通信作者: 刘金凤

Current status and influencing factors of compassion fatigue in midwives

Tingjun Xia1, Yaoxiang Duan1, Xia Duan2, Jinfeng Liu2,()   

  1. 1. Deliver Room, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Tongji University·Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, Shanghai 200040, China
    2. Nursing Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Tongji University·Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, Shanghai 200040, China
  • Received:2024-02-12 Revised:2024-05-10 Published:2024-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Jinfeng Liu
  • Supported by:
    Special Project of Medical Innovation Research of Shanghai Municipal " Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan"(21Y11905900)

夏婷君, 段耀祥, 段霞, 刘金凤. 助产士共情疲劳现状及影响因素研究[J]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2024, 20(03): 302-311.

Tingjun Xia, Yaoxiang Duan, Xia Duan, Jinfeng Liu. Current status and influencing factors of compassion fatigue in midwives[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2024, 20(03): 302-311.




采用便利抽样法,选取2023年5月至6月上海市具有助产资质医院的195名助产士作为研究对象,进行横断面调查。根据助产士CF严重程度,将其分别纳入研究组(n=100,发生中度或重度CF者)与对照组(n=95,未发生CF或发生轻度CF者)。采用《一般资料调查表》 《社会支持评定量表》(SSRS)和《专业生活品质量表》(ProQOL),对助产士一般资料、SSRS评分、CF情况进行调查。采用χ2检验或Wilcoxon秩和检验,对2组助产士一般资料进行比较。采用Pearson相关性分析法,对助产士ProQOL评分与SSRS评分相关性进行分析。采用多因素非条件logistic回归分析方法,对助产士发生CF的影响因素进行分析。本研究通过同济大学附属妇产科医院伦理委员会审批(伦理号:KS21273)。


①本研究共计195名助产士填写问卷,回收有效问卷195份,有效问卷回收率为100%。助产士CF发生率为81.5%(159/195),其中发生轻、中、重度CF者分别为59名(30.3%)、43名(22.1%)、57名(29.2%)。ProQOL各维度评分:共情满意、职业倦怠、继发性创伤应激维度评分分别为(33.8±7.4)分、(24.4±5.4)分、(22.0±6.6)分。SSRS评分为(38.2±6.7)分。②研究组与对照组助产士的婚姻状况、从事助产年限、睡眠质量、经历创伤性分娩事件次数、对工作待遇满意度、工作负荷强度、对工作氛围喜欢程度、近1个月工作被认可程度构成比分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。③助产士ProQOL共情满意维度评分与SSRS主观、客观支持维度评分和对支持的利用度维度评分及总评分,均呈显著正相关关系(r=0.387、0.171、0.250、0.422,P<0.05);ProQOL职业倦怠维度评分与SSRS主观支持维度评分、对支持的利用度维度评分及总评分,均呈显著负相关关系(r=-0.332、-0.332、-0.331,P<0.001);ProQOL继发性创伤应激维度评分与SSRS对支持的利用度维度评分及总评分,均呈显著负相关关系(r=-0.221、-0.149,P<0.05)。④多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,助产士婚姻状况为已婚、离异(OR=17.622、7.792,95%CI:3.531~88.341、2.002~30.328,P<0.001、=0.003),从事助产年限≥16年(OR=0.010,95%CI:<0.001~0.254,P=0.005),经历创伤性分娩事件次数为3~5次(OR=5.994,95%CI:1.011~35.524,P=0.009),对工作氛围喜欢程度为一般(OR=119.318,95%CI:9.072~1 569.257,P<0.001),均是影响助产士发生CF的独立影响因素。




To explore the current situation and influencing factors of compassion fatigue (CF) among midwives in Shanghai.


A total of 195 midwives from hospitals with midwifery qualifications in Shanghai from May to June in 2023 were selected as study subjects for a cross-sectional survey by convenience sampling method. According to the severity of CF among midwives, they were included into study group (n=100, those with moderate or severe CF) and control group (n=95, those without CF or with mild CF), respectively. General information, social support, and CF of midwives were investigated using the General Information Questionnaire, Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS), and the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL). Chi-square test and Wilcoxon rank sum test were used to compare the general information of midwives in 2 groups. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between ProQOL scores and SSRS scores in midwives. Multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors on the occurrence of CF among midwives. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Tongji University (Ethics No. KS21273).


① A total of 195 midwives completed the questionnaire in this study, and 195 valid questionnaires were recovered, with a valid questionnaire recovery rate of 100%. The incidence of CF among midwives was 81.5% (159/195), with 59 (30.3%) experiencing mild CF, 43 (22.1%) moderate CF, and 57 (29.2%) severe CF. The ProQOL dimensions were scored as (33.8±7.4) points for compassion satisfaction, (24.4±5.4) points for job burnout, and (22.0±6.6) points for secondary traumatic stress. The SSRS score was (38.2±6.7) points. ② The constituent ratio of marital status, years of experience in midwifery, quality of sleep, witness of traumatic childbirth events, satisfaction with job pay, workload, degree of liking the work environment, and level of work recognition received in the past month between study group and control group were statistically significant (P<0.05). ③ There was a significant positive correlation between the score of compassion satisfaction dimension in ProQOL and scores of the subjective support dimension, objective support dimension, utilization of support dimension, and total score of SSRS (r=0.387, 0.171, 0.250, 0.422; P<0.05). And there was a statistically significant negtive correlation between score of job burnout dimension in ProQOL and scores of subjective support dimension, utilization of support dimension, and total score of SSRS (r=-0.332, -0.332, -0.331; P<0.001). And score of secondary traumatic stress dimension in ProQOL and score of utilization of support dimension and total score of SSRS were significantly negatively correlated (r=-0.221, -0.149, P<0.05). ④ Results of multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that the marital status of being married or divorced (OR=17.622, 7.792; 95%CI: 3.531-88.341, 2.002-30.328; P<0.001, P=0.003), with ≥16 years of midwifery experience (OR=0.010, 95%CI: <0.001-0.254, P=0.005), witness of 3 to 5 times of traumatic childbirth events (OR=5.994, 95%CI: 1.011-35.524, P=0.009), and with a moderate level of liking the work environment (OR=119.318, 95%CI: 9.072-1 569.257, P<0.001) were all independent influencing factors for the occurrence of CF in midwives.


The incidence of CF among midwives is high and is mainly influenced by marital status, years of experience in midwifery, witness of traumatic childbirth events and degree of liking the work environment. And there is a correlation between SSRS score and CF among midwives.

表1 本研究195名助产士一般资料比较[例数(%)]
表2 助产士发生CF影响因素的单因素分析结果[例数(%)]
组别 例数 年龄 婚姻状况 子女数量
20~25岁 26~30岁 31~35岁 36~45岁 未婚 已婚 离异 0 1个 ≥2个
研究组 100 16(16.0) 50(50.0) 21(21.0) 13(13.0) 29(29.0) 69(69.0) 2(2.0) 51(51.0) 36(36.0) 13(13.0)
对照组 95 14(14.7) 39(41.1) 20(21.1) 22(23.2) 42(44.2) 53(55.8) 0(0) 57(60.0) 29(30.5) 9(9.5)
χ2   3.69a 7.14b 1.69b
P   0.297 0.028 0.430
组别 例数 从事助产年限 最高学历 职称
1~5年 6~10年 11~15年 ≥16年 大专 本科 硕士及以上 护士 护师 主管护师及以上
研究组 100 37(37.0) 46(46.0) 15(15.0) 2(2.0) 26(26.0) 72(72.0) 2(2.0) 16(16.0) 65(65.0) 19(19.0)
对照组 95 38(40.0) 34(35.8) 6(6.3) 17(17.9) 29(30.5) 63(66.3) 3(3.2) 16(16.8) 53(55.8) 26(27.4)
χ2   17.31a 0.83a 2.17a
P   0.001 0.660 0.338
组别 例数 医院类别 医院聘用方式 对工作待遇满意度
专科医院 综合医院 合同制 人事代理 在编人员 非常满意 满意 一般 不满意 非常不满意
研究组 100 83(83.0) 17(17.0) 63(63.0) 2(2.0) 35(35.0) 6(6.0) 29(29.0) 45(45.0) 17(17.0) 3(3.0)
对照组 95 72(75.8) 23(24.2) 58(61.1) 2(2.1) 35(36.8) 7(7.4) 48(50.5) 33(34.7) 7(7.4) 0(0)
χ2   1.55b 0.08b 13.59a
P   0.213 0.962 0.009
组别 例数 夜班频率 睡眠质量 工作负荷强度
0 1~2次/周 3~4次/周 ≥5次/周 良好 一般 欠佳 过大 一般 较轻
研究组 100 8(8.0) 63(63.0) 26(26.0) 3(3.0) 13(13.0) 39(39.0) 48(48.0) 69(69.0) 7(7.0) 24(24.0)
对照组 95 11(11.6) 55(57.9) 18(18.9) 11(11.6) 39(41.1) 11(11.6) 45(47.4) 39(41.1) 18(18.9) 38(40.0)
χ2   6.88a 28.52a 16.13a
P   0.076 <0.001 <0.001
组别 例数 经历创伤性分娩事件次数 对工作氛围喜欢程度 近1个月工作被认可程度
0 1~2次 3~5次 ≥6次 喜欢 一般 不喜欢 一般
研究组 100 24(24.0) 17(17.0) 14(14.0) 45(45.0) 31(31.0) 25(25.0) 44(44.0) 46(46.0) 12(12.0) 42(42.0)
对照组 95 39(41.1) 20(21.1) 4(4.2) 32(33.7) 75(78.9) 2(2.1) 18(18.9) 72(75.8) 12(12.6) 11(11.6)
χ2   11.39a 48.41a 23.63a
P   0.010 <0.001 <0.001
表3 本研究195名助产士ProQOL各维度评分与SSRS各维度评分及其总评分的相关性分析
表4 助产士发生CF影响因素的多因素非条件logistic回归分析变量含义及赋值情况
表5 助产士发生CF影响因素的多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果
影响因素 B SE Wald P OR OR值95%CI
婚姻状况(vs未婚)     12.845 0.002    
已婚 2.871 0.821 12.223 <0.001 17.662 3.531~88.341
离异 2.053 0.693 8.766 0.003 7.792 2.002~30.328
从事助产年限(vs 1~5年)     10.446 0.015    
6~10年 0.048 0.674 0.005 0.943 1.050 0.280~3.934
11~15年 0.983 0.813 1.462 0.277 2.672 0.543~13.146
≥16年 -4.622 1.659 7.766 0.005 0.010 <0.001~0.254
睡眠质量(vs良好)     1.599 0.450    
一般 0.680 0.538 1.599 0.306 1.975 0.688~5.670
欠佳 20.323 28 420.722 <0.001 0.999 669 966 140.000 <0.001
经历创伤性分娩事件次数(vs 0次)     5.723 0.026    
1~2次 -0.405 0.657 0.380 0.538 0.667 0.184~2.418
3~5次 1.791 0.908 3.891 0.009 5.994 1.011~35.524
≥6次 0.095 0.685 0.019 0.890 1.100 0.287~4.215
对工作待遇满意度(vs非常满意)     4.218 0.377    
满意 1.531 0.920 2.770 0.096 4.621 0.762~28.027
一般 1.125 0.921 1.491 0.222 3.079 0.506~18.720
不满意 0.305 1.038 0.087 0.769 1.357 0.177~10.382
非常不满意 19.240 23 044.847 <0.001 0.999 226 840 879.000 <0.001
工作负荷强度(vs过大)     0.673 0.714    
一般 -0.364 0.732 0.246 0.620 0.695 0.165~2.920
较轻 0.268 0.615 0.189 0.664 1.307 0.391~4.364
对工作氛围喜欢程度(vs喜欢)     13.231 0.001    
一般 4.782 1.315 13.231 <0.001 119.318 9.072~1 569.257
不喜欢 1.229 0.661 3.459 0.063 3.417 0.936~12.473
近1个月工作被认可程度(vs高)     8.503 0.014    
一般 -1.733 0.913 3.599 0.058 0.177 0.030~1.059
1.041 0.730 2.038 0.153 2.833 0.768~11.838
常数项 -4.256 1.146 13.778 <0.001 0.014
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