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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (01) : 69 -76. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2023.01.010


唐梅, 杨凡(), 王旖旎, 向韵, 伍晋辉, 罗红   
  1. 四川大学华西第二医院儿童保健科、出生缺陷与相关妇儿疾病教育部重点实验室,成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-20 修回日期:2023-01-10 出版日期:2023-02-01
  • 通信作者: 杨凡

Etiological analysis of children with protein-energy malnutrition in pediatric primary care department

Mei Tang, Fan Yang(), Yini Wang, Yun Xiang, Jinhui Wu, Hong Luo   

  1. Department of Child Health Care, Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children (Sichuan University), Ministry of Education, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2022-10-20 Revised:2023-01-10 Published:2023-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Fan Yang
  • Supported by:
    Sub-project of National Key Research and Development Program(2019YFC0840702)

唐梅, 杨凡, 王旖旎, 向韵, 伍晋辉, 罗红. 儿童保健门诊蛋白质-能量营养不良患儿病因分析[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2023, 19(01): 69-76.

Mei Tang, Fan Yang, Yini Wang, Yun Xiang, Jinhui Wu, Hong Luo. Etiological analysis of children with protein-energy malnutrition in pediatric primary care department[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2023, 19(01): 69-76.










To investigate the etiological distribution law of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in pediatric primary care department.


A total of 217 outpatient children with PEM in West China Second University Hospital Child Healthcare for Xinchuan · West China Center for Child Development and Excellence from January 2022 to July 2022 were enrolled into study. According to the severity of PEM, they were divided into mild PEM group (n=182) and moderate PEM group (n=33). Severe PEM children were not grouped individually due to the limited number of children (2 cases). The causes of PEM were retrospectively analyzed. The proportion of different causes of PEM in mild PEM group and moderate PEM group were compared by chi-square test, continuity correction of chi-square test or Fisher′s exact probability test. There were no significant differences between mild PEM group and moderate PEM group in general clinical data, such as gender constituent ratio and age (P>0.05). The procedures of this study were consistent with the requirements of Helsinki Declaration of World Medical Association revised in 2013.


①Among the 217 children with PEM, the top five causes of PEM were food allergy (FA) (135 cases, 62.2%), small for gestational age (SGA) infant (46 cases, 21.2%), dietetic behavior problems (24 cases, 11.1%), preterm infant (15 cases, 6.9%) and recurrent respiratory tract infection (RRTI) (6 cases, 2.8%). ②The proportion of FA in mild PEM group was 65.4% (119/182), which was statistically higher than that in moderate PEM group (45.5%, 15/33), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.73, P=0.030). The proportion of SGA infant in mid PEM group was 17.6% (32/182), which was statistically lower than that in moderate PEM group (42.4%, 14/33), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=10.25, P=0.001). There was no significant difference in the proportion of other causes of PEM, such as dietetic behavior problems, preterm infants and RRTI between two groups (P>0.05).


The mainly type of PEM children in pediatric primary care department is mild and moderate PEM. Among the causes of PEM, FA is the main cause of PEM in mild PEM group, and FA and SGA infant are the main causes of PEM in moderate PEM group. Dietetic behavior problems, preterm infant and RRTI are other causes of PEM.

表1 轻度PEM组与中度PEM组患儿一般临床资料比较
表2 217例PEM患儿的病因分布[例数(%)]
表3 轻度PEM组与中度PEM组患儿PEM病因比较[例数(%)]
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