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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (04) : 420 -430. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2024.04.009

论 著

王旖旎1, 杨凡1,(), 唐梅1, 向韵1, 伍晋辉1, 罗红1   
  1. 1.四川大学华西第二医院儿童保健科、出生缺陷与相关妇儿疾病教育部重点实验室,成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-02 修回日期:2024-06-12 出版日期:2024-08-01
  • 通信作者: 杨凡
  • 基金资助:

Survey on current status of knowledge-attitudes-practices of clinical diagnosis and treatment of infant cow's milk protein allergy among pediatricians and analysis of its influencing factors

Yini Wang1, Fan Yang1,(), Mei Tang1, Yun Xiang1, Jinhui Wu1, Hong Luo1   

  1. 1.Department of Child Health Care,Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children(Sichuan University),Ministry of Education,West China Second University Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan Province,China
  • Received:2024-04-02 Revised:2024-06-12 Published:2024-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Fan Yang

王旖旎, 杨凡, 唐梅, 向韵, 伍晋辉, 罗红. 儿科医师婴幼儿牛奶蛋白变态反应临床诊疗的知识-态度-行为现状调查与影响因素分析[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2024, 20(04): 420-430.

Yini Wang, Fan Yang, Mei Tang, Yun Xiang, Jinhui Wu, Hong Luo. Survey on current status of knowledge-attitudes-practices of clinical diagnosis and treatment of infant cow's milk protein allergy among pediatricians and analysis of its influencing factors[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2024, 20(04): 420-430.





①本研究共计回收问卷554份,其中有效问卷546份,有效问卷回收率为98.6%。②被调查者对婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗的K-A-P 维度得分分别为(13.3±3.2)分、(27.5±3.6)分、(51.7±9.8)分。在K 维度中,被调查者回答错误率>50%的条目共8项。在A 维度中,得分最低的条目是反向题“母亲孕期回避牛奶和鸡蛋,会降低子代变态反应性疾病发生率”,31.9%(174/564)被调查者选择“非常同意及同意”。在P 维度中,34.2%(187/564)被调查者“有时、偶尔或从不”依据CMPA 相关指南指导轻、中度非免疫球蛋白(Ig)E 介导的CMPA 患儿在家庭中进行“牛奶蛋白梯度引入”。③单因素分析结果显示,被调查者的最高学历、职称、所在医院等级与科室,可能是影响其婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗K 维度得分的因素(P<0.05);被调查者所在医院等级与科室,可能是影响其A 维度得分的因素(P<0.05);被调查者的职称、工作年限、所在医院等级与科室,可能是影响其P维度得分的因素(P<0.05)。④多重线性逐步回归分析结果显示,被调查者对婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗的K-A-P 维度得分的多重线性回归方程分别为y K=13.087+1.612 dep1+2.208 dep2-4.113 dep3y A=27.697+0.895 dep1+1.770 dep2y P=51.970+2.623 dep1+5.904 dep2,其中y Ky Ay P 分别指被调查者对婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗的K-A-P维度得分,dep1dep2dep3 分别指被调查者所在科室为儿童保健科、小儿消化科、耳鼻喉科。


被调查儿科医师对婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗的K-A-P存在不足,表现为知识掌握误区较多、诊疗态度上欠缺信心、诊疗行为不够规范。儿科医师所在科室为其对婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗的K-A-P维度得分的共同影响因素。建议根据儿科医师所在科室的特点和需求,设计和实施精准的教培计划,鼓励跨科室间交流合作,促进不同科室儿科医师对婴幼儿CMPA 诊疗知识的共享和理解。


To investigate the current status and influencing factors of knowledgeattitudes-practices (K-A-P)among pediatricians regarding the clinical diagnosis and treatment of infant cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA).


A total of 546 pediatricians from medical institutions at various levels in Sichuan Province from November to December 2022 were selected as survey subjects by convenient sampling method.A self-designed questionnaire on K-A-P Regarding the Clinical Diagnosis andTreatment of Infant CMPA was administered to these pediatricians.Independent-samples t test or one-way ANOVA were used for univariate analysis of influencing factors of K-A-P scores of clinical diagnosis and treatment of infant CMPA,and multiple linear stepwise regression analysis was used for multivariate analysis.This study complied with the requirements of the HelsinkiDeclaration of the WorldMedical Association


①A total of 554 questionnaires were collected,of which 546 were valid,with a valid questionnaire collection rate of 98.6%.②The scores of K-A-P dimensions of clinical diagnosis and treatment of infant CMPA were (13.3±3.2)points, (27.5±3.6)points,and (51.7±9.8)points,respectively.In the K dimension,there were 8 items with a wrong answer rate of>50%.The lowest score in the A dimension was for the reverse question "Avoiding milk and eggs during maternal pregnancy reduces the incidence of allergic diseases in offspring",with 31.9%(174/546)respondents choosing"strongly agree or agree".In the P dimension,34.2%(187/546)respondents"sometimes,occasionally,or never"followed CMPA-related guidelines for the home-based"gradual introduction of milk proteins"in children with mild to moderate non-immunoglobulin(Ig)E mediated CMPA.③Univariate analysis showed that the highest educational level,professional title,hospital level,and department were potential influencing factors for scores of K dimension of clinical diagnosis and treatment of infant CMPA (P <0.05);hospital level and department were potential influencing factors for scores of A dimension (P<0.05);professional title,working lifetime,hospital level,and department were potential influencing factors for scores of P dimension (P <0.05).④Multivariate analysis revealed that the regression equations for K-A-P scores of clinical diagnosis and treatment of infant CMPA were y K =13.087+1.612 dep1+2.208 dep2-4.113 dep3y A=27.697+0.895 dep1+1.770 dep2y P=51.970+2.623 dep1+5.904 dep2,and y Ky A,and y P represented the scores of respective dimensions,and dep1dep2dep3 represented child healthcare department,pediatric gastroenterology department,and otolaryngology department,respectively.Conclusions The current K-A-P levels of pediatricians in the management of infant CMPA are insufficient,which are manifested in misconceptions about knowledge,lack of confidence in attitudes and insufficiently standardized behaviors.The department where the pediatrician works is a common influencing factor on the scores of K-A-P dimensions of the clinical diagnosis and treatment of CMPA in infants.The communication and unification between different specialties is very n ecessary.Targeted training and communication for pediatricians in relevant departments will help improve the K-A-P level and standardize diagnosis and treatment behaviors of CMPA.

表1 本研究546名被调查者一般资料比较[例数(%)]
表2 本研究546名被调查者CMPA 诊疗相关K 维度中回答错误率排名前8位的条目及回答错误率[例数(%)]
表3 本研究546名被调查者对婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗的K-A-P维度得分最高的3个条目及其得分(分,±s
表4 本研究546名被调查者对婴幼儿CMPA临床诊疗的K-A-P维度得分最低的3个条目及其得分[分,MQ1Q3)或±s
表5 不同特征被调查者婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗的K-A-P维度得分比较(分,±s
不同特征被调查者 例数 K维度 A维度 P维度
得分 统计量 P 得分 统计量 P 得分 统计量 P
性别 t=-1.30 0.195 t=1.12 0.262 t=0.35 0.727
86 12.9±3.3 27.9±3.4 52.0±9.8
460 13.4±3.2 27.4±3.7 51.6±9.7
年龄(岁) F=1.50 0.201 F=1.38 0.239 F=2.13 0.076
≥20~30 73 12.9±2.9 26.8±4.1 50.8±9.6
≥30~40 236 13.2±3.2 27.5±3.8 50.6±10.6
≥40~50 163 13.7±2.9 27.4±3.3 53.1±8.7
≥50~60 67 13.5±3.8 28.2±3.5 53.0±8.8
≥60 7 11.6±4.2 28.6±3.7 53.1±8.5
最高学历 F=4.18 0.006 F=0.60 0.642 F=2.32 0.074
大专及以下 37 12.4±3.8 26.9±3.3 52.0±8.8
本科 374 13.2±3.2 27.5±3.7 51.0±9.8
硕士 119 13.7±3.0 27.7±3.8 53.5±9.9
博士及以上 16 15.4±2.9 28.0±2.9 54.1±9.4
职称 F=7.05 <0.001 F=2.14 0.094 F=3.10 0.026
初级 132 12.3±3.1 27.2±3.9 51.1±9.8
中级 229 13.4±3.2 27.3±3.7 50.7±10.3
副高级 135 13.8±3.1 27.8±3.1 53.1±8.1
正高级 50 14.3±3.0 28.5±4.1 54.2±10.4
工作年限(年) F=0.39 0.817 F=1.31 0.266 F=3.02 0.018
<5 79 13.0±2.7 26.9±4.1 51.6±9.8
≥5~10 120 13.4±3.3 27.1±3.5 49.5±10.2
≥10~15 118 13.3±3.3 27.8±3.9 51.5±10.9
≥15~20 67 13.2±3.0 27.7±3.4 51.3±8.5
≥20 162 13.5±3.4 27.8±3.4 53.5±8.7
所在医院等级 F=6.35 0.002 F=5.84 0.003 F=4.10 0.017
一级及以下 55 12.1±3.6 26.3±4.1 48.8±11.4
二级 75 12.8±3.0 26.8±3.6 50.2±9.9
三级 416 13.6±3.1 27.8±3.5 52.3±9.4
所在科室 F=10.68 <0.001 F=3.75 0.002 F=6.08 <0.001
儿童保健科 227 14.0±3.4 27.9±3.7 52.9±9.0
小儿消化科 30 15.3±2.6 29.4±3.2 57.6±7.1
皮肤科 6 12.7±2.4 25.8±3.7 44.0±11.5
耳鼻喉科 4 8.8±2.2 28.3±5.0 48.0±15.5
儿童内科 244 12.9±2.7 27.2±3.5 50.7±9.7
全科 35 11.2±3.6 26.2±4.0 47.2±12.3
表6 被调查者婴幼儿CMPA 临床诊疗的K-A-P维度得分影响因素的多重线性逐步回归分析及多重共线性诊断结果
自变量 非标准化 标准化偏回归系数 t P 非标准化偏回归系数95%CI 多重共线性诊断
偏回归系数 标准误 容忍度 VIF
常数项 13.087 0.210 62.23 <0.001 12.675~13.499 - -
大专及以下 -0.865 0.505 -0.068 -1.71 0.087 -1.855~0.125 0.918 1.089
一级及以下 -0.919 0.523 -0.087 -1.76 0.080 -1.943~0.105 0.596 1.677
二级 -0.414 0.363 -0.045 -1.14 0.255 -1.125~0.711 0.947 1.056
儿童保健科 1.612 0.274 0.249 5.88 <0.001 1.075~2.149 0.810 1.235
小儿消化科 2.208 0.557 0.158 3.97 <0.001 1.117~3.299 0.919 1.088
皮肤科 -0.289 1.194 -0.009 -0.24 0.809 1.117~3.299 0.955 1.047
耳鼻喉科 -4.113 1.451 -0.110 -2.84 0.005 -6.953~-1.273 0.967 1.034
全科 -0.396 0.665 -0.030 -0.60 0.552 -1.698~0.906 0.557 1.796
常数项 27.697 0.261 106.31 <0.001 27.016~28.378 - -
一级及以下 -1.018 0.648 -0.084 -1.57 0.117 -2.287~0.251 0.596 1.677
二级 -0.718 0.450 -0.068 -1.60 0.111 -1.600~0.164 0.947 1.056
儿童保健科 0.895 0.340 0.121 2.64 0.009 0.229~1.561 0.810 1.235
小儿消化科 1.770 0.690 0.111 2.57 0.011 0.454~3.086 0.919 1.088
皮肤科 -0.819 1.479 -0.023 -0.55 0.580 -3.718~2.080 0.955 1.047
耳鼻喉科 1.620 1.797 0.038 0.90 0.368 -1.907~5.147 0.967 1.034
全科 0.527 0.824 0.035 0.64 0.523 -1.079~2.133 0.557 1.796
常数项 51.970 0.698 74.50 <0.001 50.597~53.343 - -
一级及以下 -1.391 1.736 -0.043 -0.80 0.423 -4.798~2.016 0.596 1.677
二级 -1.514 1.204 -0.054 -1.26 0.209 -3.876~0.848 0.947 1.056
儿童保健科 2.623 0.910 0.133 2.88 0.004 0.838~4.408 0.810 1.235
小儿消化科 5.904 1.846 0.138 3.20 0.001 2.290~9.518 0.919 1.088
皮肤科 -5.274 3.960 -0.056 -1.33 0.183 -13.034~2.486 0.955 1.047
耳鼻喉科 -1.132 4.812 -0.010 -0.24 0.814 -10.557~8.293 0.967 1.034
全科 -0.690 2.207 -0.017 -0.31 0.755 -5.010~3.630 0.557 1.796
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