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Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (06): 715 -725. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2021.06.014

Original Article

Analysis of influencing factors of puerperal mastitis

Sha Liao1,1, Yan Huang2,2,(), Yuan Deng3,3   

  • Received:2021-08-31 Revised:2021-11-10 Published:2021-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Yan Huang
  • Supported by:
    Medical Science and Technology Project of Health Commission of Sichuan Province(21PJ134)

To explore influencing factors of puerperal mastitis (PM) in puerperae.


A total of 1 162 puerperae who gave birth in a tertiary hospital for women and children in Chengdu from September 1 to December 31, 2020 and were followed up for 42 days after delivery were selected as research subjects. According to occurrence of PM within 42 days after delivery or not, they were divided into PM group (n=103) and control group (n=1 059). Self-designed Questionnaire on Influencing Factors of Postpartum Mastitis (hereinafter referred to as the Questionnaire), and Chinese Simple Profile of Mood States (POMS) Scale (hereinafter referred to as the POMS Scale) were used for investigation in two groups. The Questionnaire mainly included 50 items in 10 dimensions: general demographic data, pregnancy and disease, perinatal drug use, breastfeeding, diet and living habits, and so on. The POMS Scale included 40 items in 7 dimensions of anxiety and so on. Items in the Questionnaire and scores of POMS Scale were compared between two groups by independent-samples t test, chi-square test and Fisher′s exact test. The procedures followed in this study complied with requirements of the Medical Ethics Committee of cases collected hospital, and was approved by its Ethics Committee[Approval No. 2021(29) of Scientific Research Review], and each subject signed an informed consent form for clinical research. There were no significant differences in general clinical data between two groups, such as maternal age, and so on (P>0.05).


①The incidence of PM in puerperae included in this research was 8.9% (103/1 162), and incidences of PM in the 3rd and 4th weeks after delivery were the highest as 2.7% (31/1 162) and 2.4% (28/1 162), respectively. ②Proportion of iron supplementation and oral probiotics during perinatal period, constituent ratio of cracked nipple degree, time and frequency of using breast pump, frequency of using nipple shield and nipple protection cream, rate of correct breastfeeding connection posture, degree of breast pain during breastfeeding, and composition ratio of breastfeeding underwear wearing conditions of two groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). ③Anxiety score of POMS Scale in PM group was (7.1±5.0) points, which was significantly higher than that in control group (5.3±4.1) points, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-3.540, P=0.001). ④A total of 10 influencing factors were included for multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis for influencing factors of PM based on factors with statistically significant differences in univariate analysis of the above influencing factors of PM, existing research results and clinical experience. Results of multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that independent risk factors for PM in puerperae included: iron supplementation during perinatal period (OR=3.351, 95%CI: 1.949-5.758, P<0.001), cracked nipple (OR=3.564, 95%CI: 1.909-6.654, P<0.001), frequency of using breast pump>once a day (OR=5.102, 95%CI: 1.047-24.876, P=0.044), frequency of using nipple protection cream>once a day (OR=2.147, 95%CI: 1.156-3.987, P=0.016), incorrect breastfeeding connection posture (OR=2.311, 95%CI: 1.202-4.445, P=0.012), uncomfortable wearing of nursing underwear (OR=2.322, 95%CI: 1.008-5.347, P=0.048), without wearing nursing underwear (OR=3.516, 95%CI: 1.821-6.789, P<0.001), high anxiety score (OR=1.073, 95%CI: 1.007-1.143, P=0.029), and independent protective factor was oral probiotics during perinatal period (OR=0.110, 95%CI: 0.025-0.478, P=0.003).


Guiding perinatal puerperae to correct incorrect behaviors by formulating clinical intervention measures, such as misuse of perinatal iron supplements, breast pumps and nipple protection creams, improper wearing of nursing underwear and irregular breastfeeding behaviors, advocating oral administration of probiotics during perinatal period and relieving anxiety are of great significance for prevention of PM in puerperae.

图1 1 162例产妇的PM发生曲线注:PM为产褥期乳腺炎
表1 PM组与对照组产妇人口学资料比较
表2 PM组与对照组产妇相关临床资料比较[例数(%)]
表3 PM组与对照组产妇乳房情况比较[例数(%)]
表4 PM组与对照组产妇母乳喂养培训、经验及知识来源比较[例数(%)]
表5 PM组与对照组产妇哺乳行为比较[例数(%)]
组别 例数 每次哺乳时间 每次哺乳姿势变化次数
≤10 min >10~20 min >20~30 min >30 min 不固定 0 1次 2次 ≥3次
PM组 103 7(6.8) 38(36.9) 27(26.2) 12(11.7) 19(18.4) 52(50.5) 31(30.1) 16(15.5) 4(3.9)
对照组 1 059 97(9.2) 495(46.7) 203(19.2) 89(8.4) 175(16.5) 433(41.1) 336(31.9) 202(19.2) 82(7.8)
χ2   6.271 4.643
P   0.281 0.200
组别 例数 每天哺乳次数 吸奶器使用频率
≤3次 4~7次 8~11次 ≥12次 不固定 未使用 >0~1次/d 1次/d >1次/d
PM组 103 6(5.8) 31(30.1) 47(45.6) 10(9.7) 9(8.8) 17(16.5) 15(14.5) 22(21.4) 49(47.6)
对照组 1 059 59(5.6) 353(33.3) 484(45.7) 22(2.1) 141(13.3) 389(36.8) 226(21.3) 147(13.9) 297(28.0)
χ2   21.682 28.703
P   <0.001 <0.001
组别 例数 每次吸奶器使用时间 乳头保护罩使用频率
未使用 >0~10 min >10~20 min >20~30 min >30 min 不固定 未使用 >0~3次/d ≥3次/d
PM组 103 17(16.5) 19(18.4) 42(40.8) 14(13.6) 3(2.9) 8(7.8) 86(83.5) 4(3.9) 13(12.6)
对照组 1 059 339(32.0) 197(18.7) 263(24.8) 69(6.5) 30(2.8) 161(15.2) 1 001(94.5) 7(0.7) 51(4.8)
χ2   26.610 21.901
P   <0.001 <0.001
组别 例数 乳头保护霜使用频率 哺乳后涂抹乳汁于乳头频率
未使用 >0~1次/周 1次/周 >1~7次/周 1次/d >1次/d 从未 >0~3次/d ≥3次/d
PM组 103 52(50.5) 0(0) 4(3.9) 12(11.7) 11(10.7) 24(23.3) 47(45.6) 14(13.6) 42(40.8)
对照组 1 059 811(76.6) 37(3.5) 14(1.3) 46(4.3) 75(7.1) 76(7.2) 567(53.5) 168(15.9) 324(30.6)
χ2   56.224 4.510
P   <0.001 0.105
组别 例数 哺乳前乳头清洗频率 最常用乳汁移出方式 非医务人员通乳 哺乳衔接姿势正确
从未 >0~1次/d 1次/d >1次/d 婴儿吸吮 吸奶器 用手挤压乳房
PM组 103 16(15.5) 5(4.9) 33(32.0) 49(47.6) 68(66.0) 31(30.2) 4(3.8) 50(48.5) 69(67.0)
对照组 1 059 209(19.7) 102(9.6) 363(34.3) 385(36.4) 866(81.8) 159(15.0) 34(3.2) 504(47.6) 926(91.5)
χ2   6.483 16.089 0.007 55.959
P   0.090 <0.001 0.935 <0.001
表6 PM组与对照组产妇哺乳时乳头、乳房疼痛程度及哺乳后乳房舒适度提高率比较[例数(%)]
表7 PM组与对照组产妇生活习惯比较[例数(%)]
表8 PM组与对照组产妇《POMS量表》评分比较(分,±s)
表9 影响产妇发生PM因素的多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果
影响因素 B SE Wald P OR OR值95%CI
  -2.208 0.750 8.667 0.003 0.110 0.025~0.478
  1.209 0.276 19.148 <0.001 3.351 1.949~5.758
  1.271 0.318 15.923 <0.001 3.564 1.909~6.654
  >0~10 0.046 0.771 0.004 0.952 1.047 0.231~4.744
  >10~20 0.349 0.736 0.225 0.636 1.417 0.335~5.994
  >20~30 0.649 0.694 0.875 0.350 1.914 0.491~7.461
  >30 0.855 0.768 1.239 0.266 2.352 0.522~10.606
  >1次/d 1.630 0.808 4.065 0.044 5.102 1.047~24.876
  1次/d 1.386 0.837 2.740 0.098 3.998 0.775~20.631
  >1~7次/周 0.626 0.859 0.531 0.466 1.870 0.347~10.071
  >0~1次/周 -0.094 1.072 0.008 0.930 0.910 0.111~7.447
  >1次/d 0.764 0.316 5.849 0.016 2.147 1.156~3.987
  >0~1次/d 0.697 0.697 1.001 0.317 2.007 0.512~7.862
  -0.160 0.297 0.292 0.589 0.852 0.476~1.523
  0.838 0.334 6.304 0.012 2.311 1.202~4.445
  穿戴不舒适 0.842 0.426 3.915 0.048 2.322 1.008~5.347
  不穿戴 1.257 0.336 14.028 <0.001 3.516 1.821~6.789
焦虑评分 0.070 0.032 4.792 0.029 1.073 1.007~1.143
常数项 -3.070 1.069 8.252 0.004 0.046
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