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Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (02): 234 -242. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2021.02.016

Special Issue:

Original Article

Analysis of clinical characteristics of fulminant myocarditis

Xingqiong Ren1,2,1,2, Shuran Shao1,1, Nanjun Zhang1,1, Chuan Wang1,1, Kaiyu Zhou1,1,()   

  • Received:2020-12-10 Revised:2021-03-10 Published:2021-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Kaiyu Zhou
  • Supported by:
    Key Research & Development Project of Sichuan Science and Technology Department(2020YFS0101, 2019YJ0024, 2021YJ0211, 2021YFS0094); National Key Program of Ministry Science and Technology in China " Prevention and Controlling Researches on Reproductive Health and Major Birth Defects"(2018YFC1002301)

To investigate clinical characteristics and risk factors of fulminant myocarditis (FM) in children.


From January 2010 to October 2020, a total of 53 children with FM who were admitted in West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University and Chengdu Women′s and Children′s Central Hospital were selected into this study. According to their prognosis, they were divided into death group (n=23) and survival group (n=30). The general clinical data (age, course of disease before admission), clinical symptoms before and after admission, and results of laboratory examination, electrocardiogram and imaging examination, treatment outcomes between two groups were compared. The receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves were drawn, and ROC curves of different indicators to predict death of FM children were analyzed, and area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. This study met the requirements of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki revised in 2013. Informed consent was obtained from each participates.


①There were no significant differences in general clinical data, such as gender composition ratio and the course of illness before admission between two groups (P>0.05). ②Among 53 FM children, 16 (16/23, 69.6%) died within 24 h after admission, and 20 (20/23, 87.0%) died within 72 h after admission. Top 1 clinical symptom of them before admission was gastrointestinal symptoms (38/53, 71.7%), followed by respiratory symptoms (25/53, 47.2%) and fever (20/53, 37.7%). The age, duration of hospital stay, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and proportion of respiratory symptoms and nervous system symptoms before admission, and proportion of hypotension, microcirculation disturbance and consciousness disturbance at admission were compared between two groups, all of these differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). ③There were significant differences between two groups in blood lactate, serum Ca2+ , artery blood pH value and base excess, prothrombin time (PT), international normalized ratio (INR), activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT) (P<0.05). ④There were significant differences between death group (n=20) and survival group (n=30) in ratio of left ventricular function decline and pericardial of fusion by color Doppler echocardiography(P<0.05). There were significant differences between two groups by electrocardiogram in ratio of Ⅲ° atrioventricular block (AVB) (P<0.05). ⑤After comprehensive treatment, and differences between two groups of temporary pacemaker utilization rate and vasoactive-inotropic store (VIS) were statistically significant (P<0.05). ⑥The AUC of blood lactate, artery blood pH value and base excess, serum Ca2+ , INR, APTT and VIS for predicting death of FM children were 0.776 (95%CI: 0.621-0.890, P<0.001), 0.804 (95%CI: 0.664-0.905, P<0.01), 0.829 (95%CI: 0.692-0.922, P<0.001), 0.702 (95%CI: 0.559-0.821, P=0.016), 0.753 (95%CI: 0.602-0.869, P=0.001), 0.791 (95%CI: 0.644-0.898, P<0.001), and 0.890 (95%CI: 0.774-0.959, P<0.001).


The clinical characteristics of children with FM lack specificity, and death of FM children are more common in early onset complicated with dyspnea, disturbance of consciousness, circulatory disturbance, decrease of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), hyperlactacidemia, dependence on large-dose vasoactive drugs. Children who died were mostly within 72 h of admission, especially within 24 h of admission. Children with high risk of FM should be closely monitored and actively supported by mechanical circulation as soon as possible.

表1 2组FM患儿一般临床资料比较
表2 2组FM患儿入院前及入院时临床资料比较
表3 2组FM患儿实验室检查结果
组别 例数 cTnI[ng/mL,M(P25P75)] CK-MB[ng/mL,M(P25P75)]a LDH[U/L,M(P25P75)]b ALT[U/L,M(P25P75)] AST[U/L,M(P25P75)] 尿素氮[mmol/L,M(P25P75)]
死亡组 23 2.7(0.8~8.1) 20.8(12.1~65.1) 1 433.0(968.4~3 251.0) 114.0(29.6~1 001.0) 407.3(82.0~1 024.6) 7.8(4.3~10.6)
幸存组 30 8.6(2.5~21.0) 21.5(4.3~51.6) 1 555.5(868.5~2 733.8) 116.0(41.8~447.8) 199.5(65.5~887.8) 7.4(5.4~9.2)
检验值   U=246.000 U=235.000 U=313.500 U=344.000 U=280.000 U=320.000
P   0.076 0.416 0.872 0.986 0.243 0.654
组别 例数 肌酐[μmol/L,M(P25P75)] 血乳酸[mmol/L,M(P25P75)]c CRP[mg/L,M(P25P75)] 血清K+(mmol/L,±s) 血清Na+(mmol/L,±s) 血清Ca2+(mmol/L,±s)
死亡组 23 50.5(31.0~139.0) 7.1(4.6~15.5) 9.0(5.0~16.0) 4.5±1.2 135.9±6.9 1.9±0.3
幸存组 30 58.0(40.5~70.2) 3.3(2.5~7.5) 13.8(5.5~44.5) 4.1±0.8 134.4±5.2 2.1±0.2
检验值   U=338.000 U=98.000 U=261.500 t=1.367 t=0.888 t=—2.565
P   0.900 0.002 0.134 0.178 0.379 0.013
组别 例数 pH值(±s)d 碱剩余(mmol/L, ±s)d PT[s,M(P25P75)]e INR[M(P25P75)]e APTT[s,M(P25P75)]e 病原学检查呈阳性[例数(%)]f
死亡组 23 7.2±0.2 -16.0±7.9 21.5(15.8~ 29.3) 1.8(1.4~2.6) 50.7(37.4~57.9) 6(30.0)
幸存组 30 7.4±0.1 -6.0±7.0 14.6(12.4~ 21.4) 1.2(1.1~1.5) 33.9(29.0~42.9) 4(13.8)
检验值   t=—4.625 t=—4.641 U=120.000 U=122.000 U=103.000 χ2=1.046g
P   <0.001 <0.001 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.306
表4 2组FM患儿心电图及影像学检查结果
组别 例数 心脏彩色多普勒超声a
心脏长大[例数(%)] 左心室收缩功能下降[例数(%)] LVEF[%,M(P25P75)] FS[%,M(P25P75)] 心包积液[例数(%)] 瓣膜反流[例数(%)] 室间隔或室壁增厚[例数(%)]
死亡组 23 12(60.0) 15(75.0) 39.3(26.0~53.5) 19.1(12.0~27.8) 3(15.0) 8(40.0) 2(10.0)
幸存组 30 19(63.3) 14(46.7) 58.0(40.2~61.2) 30.0(19.8~32.2) 15(50.0) 11(36.7) 10(33.3)
检验值   χ2=0.057 χ2=3.955 U=204.000 U=197.500 χ2=6.380 χ2=0.057 χ2=2.417
P   0.812 0.047 0.106 0.059 0.012 0.812 0.120
组别 例数 心电图
T波改变[例数(%)] 完全右束支传导阻滞[例数(%)] 完全左束支传导阻滞[例数(%)] 室性逸搏心律[例数(%)] 室性早搏[例数(%)] 室性心动过速[例数(%)] 心室颤动[例数(%)]
死亡组 23 14(60.9) 3(13.0) 2(8.7) 5(21.7) 6(26.0) 6(26.0) 1(4.3)
幸存组 30 23(76.7) 7(23.3) 0(0) 8(26.7) 11(36.7) 3(10.0) 1(3.3)
检验值   χ2=1.542 χ2=0.354c χ2=0.171 χ2=0.669 χ2=1.385c
P   0.214 0.552 0.184 0.679 0.413 0.239 1.000
组别 例数 心电图
房性早搏[例数(%)] 房性心动过速[例数(%)] 心房颤动[例数(%)] Ⅰ°AVB[例数(%)] Ⅱ°AVB[例数(%)] Ⅲ°AVB[例数(%)] 异常Q波[例数(%)] 胸部X射线摄片或CT检查[例数(%)]b
死亡组 23 0(0) 2(8.7) 1(4.3) 1(4.3) 1(4.3) 4(17.4) 2(8.7) 7(38.9)
幸存组 30 3(10.0) 1(3.3) 0(0) 3(10.0) 1(3.3) 15(50.0) 3(10.0) 17(56.7)
检验值   χ2=0.061c χ2=6.019 χ2=0.000c χ2=1.422
P   0.249 0.573 0.434 0.805 1.000 0.014 1.000 0.233
表5 2组FM患儿治疗情况比较
表6 预测FM患儿死亡指标的ROC曲线分析比较
图1 血清Ca2+、INR、VIS和APTT预测FM患儿死亡的ROC曲线
图2 碱剩余、血乳酸和pH值预测FM患儿死亡的ROC曲线
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