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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (01) : 65 -73. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2024.01.009


洪洋1, 胡建国1, 刘帅斌1, 胡丽娜1,()   
  1. 1. 重庆医科大学附属第二医院妇科,重庆 400000
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-25 修回日期:2024-01-04 出版日期:2024-02-01
  • 通信作者: 胡丽娜

Investigation on the cognition of obstetricians and gynecologists regarding patient blood management

Yang Hong1, Jianguo Hu1, Shuaibin Liu1, Lina Hu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400000, China
  • Received:2023-10-25 Revised:2024-01-04 Published:2024-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Lina Hu
  • Supported by:
    Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing(CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0087)

洪洋, 胡建国, 刘帅斌, 胡丽娜. 妇产科医师对患者血液管理认知调查研究[J]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2024, 20(01): 65-73.

Yang Hong, Jianguo Hu, Shuaibin Liu, Lina Hu. Investigation on the cognition of obstetricians and gynecologists regarding patient blood management[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2024, 20(01): 65-73.






①本研究共计发放调查问卷339份,回收有效问卷330份,有效问卷回收率为97.3%。②本研究330名被调查对象中,非常了解/了解PBM者为208名(63.0%),听说过PBM/但是不了解者为111名(33.6%),从未听说过PBM者为11名(3.3%);阅读过PBM相关指南者为168名(50.9%),其中阅读过中国PBM相关指南者最多(162名,96.4%),阅读过澳洲PBM相关指南者最少(9名,5.4%)。319名了解PBM的被调查对象中,通过学术会议了解者(213名,66.8%)排名第1,通过在线课程了解者(75名,23.5%)排名为最后1名。③不同年龄段、专业技术职称、工作年限被调查对象对PBM熟悉程度分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=39.30、46.91、31.00, P<0.001)。进一步两两比较结果显示,年龄为31~40岁、41~50岁、≥51岁被调查对象对PBM的熟悉程度,均优于21~30岁者,并且差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);正高级、副高级专业技术职称者对PBM熟悉程度,均高于初、中级专业技术职称者,中级专业技术职称者对PBM熟悉程度优于初级专业技术职称者,并且差异均有统计学意义(P≤0.002);工作年限>20年、16~20年、11~15年者对PBM熟悉程度,均优于工作年限为0~5年者,工作年限>20年者对PBM熟悉程度,优于工作年限为6~10年者,并且差异均有统计学意义(P≤0.004)。④99.4%(328/330)被调查对象认为,有必要实施PBM;100.0%(330/330)表示,新型冠状病毒疾病(COVID-19)疫情导致血液资源愈发紧张,临床对PBM应更加重视;96.1%(317/330)和93.9%(310/330)被调查对象认为,积极组织PBM知识科普与培训、积极开展PBM技能培训,将有利于临床对PBM的实施。




To explore the cognition of patient blood management (PBM) among obstetricians and gynecologists in China.


Through convenience sampling, 330 obstetricians and gynecologists (hereafter referred as surveyed subjects) from 29 provinces and cities were surveyed from March to June 2023 using a self-designed questionnaire on Patient Blood Management Cognition Survey, administered both online and offline. The questionnaire consisted of three main sections: general information of the survey participants, their knowledge and attitude towards PBM, and evaluation and treatment of anemia in PBM. Differences in PBM familiarity among surveyed subjects of different ages, professional titles, and years of practice were analyzed by chi-square test, and further pairwise comparisons were conducted by Bonferroni method to adjust the significance level. The study adhered to the ethical guidelines of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki revised in 2013.


①Out of 339 distributed questionnaires, 330 were validly returned, yielding a response rate of 97.3%. ②Of 330 surveyed subjects, 208 (63.0%) were very familiar or familiar with PBM, 111 (33.6%) had heard of PBM but lacked understanding, and 11 (3.3%) had never heard of it. A total of 168 surveyed subjects (50.9%) had read PBM-related guidelines, predominantly Chinese PBM-related guidelines (162 surveyed subjects, 96.4%), and least frequently Australian PBM-related guidelines (9 surveyed subjects, 5.4%). Among 319 surveyed subjects who knew PBM, academic conferences were the most cited source of PBM knowledge (213 surveyed subjects, 66.8%), with online courses being the least (75 surveyed subjects, 23.5%). ③There were statistical differences in familiarity with PBM among surveyed obstetricians and gynecologists with different ages, professional titles, and years of practice (χ2=39.30, 46.91, 31.00; P<0.001). Further pairwise comparisons revealed that physicians aged 31-40 years, 41-50 years, ≥51 years showed greater familiarity with PBM compared to those aged 21-30 years, and the differences all were statistically different (P<0.001); surveyed subjects with senior and associate senior professional titles were more familiar with PBM compared to those with junior and intermediate professional titles, and surveyed subjects with intermediate professional titles were more familiar with PBM than those with junior professional titles, and these differences were statistically significant (P≤0.002); surveyed subjects with more than 20 years, 16-20 years, 11-15 years of practice all were more familiar with PBM than those with 0-5 years of practice, and surveyed subjects with more than 20 years of practice were more familiar with PBM than those with 6-10 years of practice, and all differences were statistically significant (P≤0.004). ④A significant majority (99.4%, 328/330) recognized the necessity of implementing PBM; all respondents (100%, 330/330) agreed on the heightened importance of PBM in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting strain on blood resources. Moreover, 96.1% (317/330) and 93.9% (310/330) believed that organizing PBM knowledge promotion and skill training sessions would facilitate PBM implementation.


The level of cognition and understanding of PBM among obstetricians and gynecologists needs to be improved. Establishing a PBM knowledge education and training system is essential, with increased focus on educating and training young physicians, those with lower professional titles, and primary care physicians, to standardize PBM treatment practices.

表1 本研究330名被调查对象的一般资料[例数(%)]
图1 被调查对象对PBM的熟悉程度  图2 被调查对象了解PBM的途径  图3 被调查对象对PBM相关指南阅读情况  图4 被调查对象对PBM内容了解情况  图5 被调查对象对PBM目的了解情况注:①图1中,横坐标1~4分别指被调查对象对PBM非常熟悉、熟悉、听说过但不熟悉、从未听说过占比;②图2中,横坐标1~6分别指被调查对象对PBM的了解途径为网上查阅文献、学术会议、学术讲座、病例讨论、在线交流、在线课程占比;③图3中,横坐标1~5分别指被调查对象阅读过中国、美国、欧洲、澳洲PBM相关指南及其他指南占比;④图4中,横坐标1~5分别指对于PBM内容中,被调查对象了解评估及治疗贫血、减少失血、限制性输血、自体输血、提高患者对贫血的耐受性相关内容占比;⑤图5中,横坐标1~5分别指对于PBM目的中,被调查对象认为包括降低同种异体输血率、降低患者死亡率和并发症发生率、缩短住院时间、降低医疗成本、节约血液资源占比。被调查对象指被调查妇产科医师。PBM为患者血液管理
表2 不同年龄、专业技术职称、工作年限被调查对象对PBM的熟悉程度比较[例数(%)]
图6 被调查对象对PBM中患者术前贫血危害选择情况  图7 被调查对象对PBM中静脉输注铁剂的优点选择情况  图8 被调查对象对PBM中静脉输注铁剂的缺点选择情况注:①图6中,横坐标1~8分别是指被调查对象认为术前贫血危害包括导致患者死亡率增高、并发症发生率增高、住院时间延长、输血风险增加、术后恢复差及导致恶性肿瘤患者预后差、经济负担增加、生活质量降低者占比,9是指正确回答患者术前贫血危害者占比。②图7中,横坐标1~4分别是指被调查对象认为静脉输注铁剂的优点为可被人体完全吸收、起效快、无胃肠道刺激、可更快达到Hb目标值者占比,5是指正确回答静脉输注铁剂优点者占比。③图8中,横坐标1~4分别是指被调查对象认为静脉输注铁剂的缺点为变态反应发生率相对较高、增加感染风险、引起氧化应激反应、增加动脉粥样硬化风险者占比,5是指正确回答静脉者占比铁剂缺点者占比。PBM为患者血液管理
图9 被调查对象对PBM中EPO的作用选择情况  图10 被调查对象对输血的目的选择情况  图11 被调查对象对有利于PBM实施的措施选择情况注:①图9中,横坐标1~5分别是指被调查对象认为EPO的作用为刺激造血干细胞向红系细胞方向发展,促进幼稚红细胞分化成熟,促进幼稚红细胞形成Hb,减少红系祖细胞凋亡比例,增强红细胞寿命者占比,6是指正确回答EPO作用者占比。②图10中,横坐标1~6分别是指被调查对象认为输血的目的为提高血液携氧能力,纠正凝血功能障碍,补充血容量,加速伤口愈合,减轻组织水肿,改善贫血或凝血功能障碍所致头晕、头痛、心悸、疲劳、乏力等症状者占比。③图11中,横坐标1~7分别是指被调查对象认为有利于PBM实施的措施包括:积极组织PBM知识科普、培训;积极开展PBM技能培训(血栓弹力图、自体血液回收等);制定符合我国基本医疗情况的PBM指南;成立多学科PBM小组;医院管理部门发布相关文件、政策支持;允许输血科对临床用血进行评估,减少不合理输血;对患者进行输血后的疗效评价、定期检查输血病案者占比。被调查对象指被调查妇产科医师。PBM为患者血液管理,EPO为促红细胞生成素,Hb为血红蛋白
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