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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2017, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (04) : 438 -444. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2017.04.012

所属专题: 文献


李燕1, 韦秋芬1, 蒙丹华1, 廖丹1, 潘新年1,(), 姚丽平1, 经连芳1, 郭小芳1, 赵丹1, 沈开颜1, 许靖1   
  1. 1. 530003 南宁,广西壮族自治区妇幼保健院新生儿科
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-06 修回日期:2017-06-19 出版日期:2017-08-01
  • 通信作者: 潘新年

Retrospective analysis on the hospitalization, outcomes and follow-up results of extremely low birth weight infants

Yan Li1, Qiufen Wei1, Danhua Meng1, Dan Liao1, Xinnian Pan1,(), Liping Yao1, Lianfang Jing1, Xiaofang Guo1, Dan Zhao1, Kaiyan Shen1, Jing Xu1   

  1. 1. Department of Neonatology, Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530003, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
  • Received:2017-05-06 Revised:2017-06-19 Published:2017-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Xinnian Pan
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Pan Xinnian, Email:

李燕, 韦秋芬, 蒙丹华, 廖丹, 潘新年, 姚丽平, 经连芳, 郭小芳, 赵丹, 沈开颜, 许靖. 超低出生体重儿住院、转归及随访情况的回顾性分析[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2017, 13(04): 438-444.

Yan Li, Qiufen Wei, Danhua Meng, Dan Liao, Xinnian Pan, Liping Yao, Lianfang Jing, Xiaofang Guo, Dan Zhao, Kaiyan Shen, Jing Xu. Retrospective analysis on the hospitalization, outcomes and follow-up results of extremely low birth weight infants[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2017, 13(04): 438-444.










To investigate the hospitalization, outcomes and follow-up results of extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI).


From 1 January 2010 to 1 February 2015, a total of 129 cases of ELBWI in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Maternal and Child Health Hospital were selected as research subjects. A retrospective analysis was conducted to collect their medical records and follow-up data and to analyze their mothers′ general clinical data, main clinical symptoms and complications in neonatal period, the outcomes and follow-up conditions after discharge from hospital. The respiratory therapy conditions between ELBWI with gestational age <28 weeks and ≥28-32 weeks were compared statistically.


①Among the 129 cases of ELBWI, the top three pregnancy complications of mothers of ELBWI were gestational hypertension diseases (69.0%, 89/129), premature rupture of membrane (37.2%, 48/129) and gestational diabetes mellitus (16.3%, 21/129), respectively. ②Among the 129 cases of ELBWI, the top five clinical symptoms in neonatal period were dyspnea (96.7%, 126/129), jaundice (85.3%, 110/129), poor response (77.5%, 100/129), abdominal distention (75.2%, 97/129), and body cyanosis (52.7%, 68/129), respectively. ③Among the 129 cases of ELBWI, the top six complications in neonatal period were hyperbilirubinemia (85.3%, 110/129), anemia of prematurity (82.9%, 107/129), nosocomial infection (81.4%, 105/129), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)(64.3%, 83/129), bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD) (50.4%, 65/129) and feeding intolerance (50.4%, 65/129), respectively. ④Among the ELBWI who were alive and discharged from hospital, the usage rate and time of respirator assisted ventilation, the usage rate of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in ELBWI with gestational age <28 weeks all were higher or longer than those in ELBWI with gestational age ≥28-32 weeks, and all the differences were statistically significant (χ2=11.733, Z=-4.963, χ2=11.309; P<0.001). But there was no statistical difference between them in the usage time of CPAP (Z=-1.550, P=0.121). ⑤Among the 129 cases of ELBWI, 98 cases were cured and discharged from hospital, 1 case was referred to another hospital for laser treatment due to ROP, 30 cases died as ineffective treatment or give-up treatment. The follow-up results of 99 alive and discharged cases showed that 11 cases failed to follow up and the rate was 11.1%(11/99), 88 cases were followed up successfully. And among the 99 cases, 53.5% (53/99) failed the auditory brainstem response audiometry test, 42.4% (42/99) cases were combined with ROP. Among the 88 cases who were followed up successfully, rates of motor and language development retardation were 12.5% (11/88) and 4.5% (4/88), respectively, and only 36.4% (32/88) received Gesell Developmental Scale assessment or follow-up in rehabilitation department regularly.


Gestational hypertension diseases and premature rupture of membrane are the common causes of ELBWI. And there are many complications in neonatal period of ELBWI, so we should take close follow-up after they discharge from hospitals.

表1 本组129例超低出生体重儿孕母的一般临床资料比较[例数(%)]
表2 本组129例超低出生体重儿一般临床资料及新生儿期常见临床症状比较[例数(%)]
表3 本组129例超低出生体重儿新生儿期并发症发生情况[例数(%)]
表4 本组99例存活出院的不同出生胎龄超低出生体重儿接受辅助通气治疗情况比较
表5 本组超低出生体重儿转归及随访[%(n/n′)]
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