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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2015, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (06) : 719 -723. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2015.06.009

所属专题: 文献


王勇1,*,*(), 夏慧敏1, 余家康1, 钟微1, 牛会林1, 梁鉴坤1   
  1. 1. 510000 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心小儿外科
  • 收稿日期:2015-07-01 修回日期:2015-09-01 出版日期:2015-12-01
  • 通信作者: 王勇

Treatment of complex persist cloaca

Yong Wang1(), Huimin Xia1, Jiakang Yu1, Wei Zhong1, Huilin Niu1, Jiankun Liang1   

  1. 1. Department of Pediatric Surgery, Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, Guangzhou 510623, Guangdong Province, China
  • Received:2015-07-01 Revised:2015-09-01 Published:2015-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Yong Wang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wang Yong, Email:

王勇, 夏慧敏, 余家康, 钟微, 牛会林, 梁鉴坤. 复杂型一穴肛的临床诊治[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2015, 11(06): 719-723.

Yong Wang, Huimin Xia, Jiakang Yu, Wei Zhong, Huilin Niu, Jiankun Liang. Treatment of complex persist cloaca[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2015, 11(06): 719-723.






本组2例一穴肛患儿均为女性,年龄分别为2.0及1.5岁。术前膀胱镜检查结果显示,共同通道长度分别为6.5和3.3 cm。患儿A合并双侧输尿管反流、马蹄肾,出生后半年出现阴道积液;患儿B合并左侧肾缺如和双侧输尿管反流。患儿A完全游离泌尿系及生殖系,子宫阴道完全游离后下移至外阴,共同通道成形大部分尿道,其余尿道为外阴皮肤修补延长,双侧输尿管再植。患儿B共同通道成形新尿道,末端直肠游离后替代阴道和残余子宫吻合,结肠成形肛门。患儿A术后出现会阴体轻度裂开,术后2周出现直肠黏膜外翻。对其术后留置膀胱造瘘管半年,经训练后可自行排尿,膀胱残余尿测定小于膀胱容积的10%,但反复出现尿路感染,大便无法控制,行Malone术给予顺行灌肠。患儿B术后1个月复查,无膀胱输尿管反流、尿道梗阻或狭窄症状,阴道周围无瘢痕样变化,自行排尿,无残余尿;结肠封瘘后可自行排便。




Many reports have concerned about simple cloaca (common channel < 3 cm) with less complications and total urogenital molization are performed in most cases. But as to complex cloaca (common channel >3 cm), due to its multiple, diverse domestic reconstruction surgery, it has been rarely reported. This article is to explore systemic clinical treatments, reconstruction procedures of complex cloaca.


The clinical data of two cases of complex cloaca (patient A and patient B) treated in Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center in 2012-2013 were collected. The different preoperative evaluation, different surgical reconstruction and postoperative recovery were analyzed.


The 2 patients, A and B, both were performed endoscopy exam to make sure the length of common channel, they were 6.5 cm and 3.3 cm respectively. For the definitive reconstruction, both patients in the series were managed with a posterior sagittal approach, and also required a laparotomy. Hydrocolpos was present in the patient A with common channel 6.5 cm, vaginal scopy was performed. Vaginal reconstruction involved a complete detach of vaginal and the vaginal pull-through in patients common channel 6.5 cm, and vaginal replacement (rectum) in patient common channel 3.3 cm. Patients B with common channel 3.3 cm had voluntary bowel movements, but not for the patients with common channel 6.5 cm. Malone procedure was performed on patients with common channel 6.5 cm and kept clean for 24 hours.


Cystoscopy is necessary for diagnosis of the common channel of patients with complex persist cloaca. Reconstruction of urethral tract is the most important of cloaca reconstruction and the common channel is first choice for the urethral tract reconstruction. The ultimate goal of complex persist cloaca treatment is to achieve continence, sexual function and even reproductive function.

表1 本组2例复杂型一穴肛患儿的临床资料、术前检查结果、修复重建手术及预后、随访情况
图2 患儿B尿道、阴道、肛门外观改变(图2A:术前一穴肛外观;图2B:肛门、阴道、尿道成形术后1个月复查照片;图2C:术中直肠代阴道,右侧为膀胱,左侧缝牵引线为直肠盲端)
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