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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2010, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (01) : 22 -24. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2010.01.107


苏英姿, 袁新宇, 张玉林, 李龙   
  1. 100020 北京,首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院超声科
    100020 北京,首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院放射科
    100020 北京,首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院外科
  • 出版日期:2010-02-01

Value of Ultrasound Study on Differential Diagnosis of Neonatal Obstructive Hepatitis and Congenital Biliary Atresia

Ying-zi SU, Xin-yu YUAN, Yu-lin ZHANG, Long LI   

  1. Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing 100020, China
  • Published:2010-02-01

苏英姿, 袁新宇, 张玉林, 李龙. 超声检查在新生儿阻塞性肝炎与先天性胆道闭锁鉴别诊断中的应用价值[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2010, 06(01): 22-24.

Ying-zi SU, Xin-yu YUAN, Yu-lin ZHANG, Long LI. Value of Ultrasound Study on Differential Diagnosis of Neonatal Obstructive Hepatitis and Congenital Biliary Atresia[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2010, 06(01): 22-24.


通过回顾性对比和分析新生儿阻塞性肝炎(neonatal obstructive hepatitis)和先天性胆道闭锁(congenital biliary atresia)患儿的超声学检查结果,探讨超声检查在两种疾病鉴别诊断中的应用价值。








To evaluate the value of ultrasound in differential diagnosis of neonatal obstructive hepatitis and congenital biliary atresia.


From June 2005 to October 2008, ultrasound data of 19 cases with neonatal obstructive hepatitis and 21 cases with congenital biliary atresia were reviewed retrospectively. The gall bladder shape and size, gall bladder contraction and the visualization of the triangular cord sign were analyzed.


Statistically, the gall bladder size of patients with neonatal obstructive hepatitis was significantly greater than that of patients with congenital biliary atresia(P=0.001). The presenting rates of gall bladder contraction and the triangular cord sign of two groups were significantly different(P=0.028).


The size and shape of gall bladder, triangular cord sign, and the ability of gall bladder contraction were useful sonographically in differential diagnosis between neonatal obstructive hepatitis and congenital biliary atresia.

图1 先天性胆道闭锁(超声显示,胆囊空瘪,囊壁呈皱缩状)
图2 先天性胆道闭锁(超声显示,左、右门静脉分叉处出现条索状高回声区。三角带征)
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