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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2007, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (06) : 313 -315. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2007.06.104


骆菲, 曹云, 虞乐萍   
  1. 复旦大学妇产科医院(上海,200011)
  • 出版日期:2007-12-01

The prognosis of near full-term neonatal asphyxia and resuscitation

Fei LUO, Yun CAO, Le-ping YU   

  1. Obstertrics and Gynecology Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200011, China
  • Published:2007-12-01

骆菲, 曹云, 虞乐萍. 近足月新生儿窒息复苏后的近期预后[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2007, 03(06): 313-315.

Fei LUO, Yun CAO, Le-ping YU. The prognosis of near full-term neonatal asphyxia and resuscitation[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2007, 03(06): 313-315.






足月儿组出现呼吸困难表现的为39.9%(105/263),因病重转院、放弃或死亡的为6.1%(16/263),平均吸氧时间为2 d/(1~4)d,平均住院时间为4 d/(2~8)d。近足月儿组出现呼吸困难的为57.8%(48/83),较足月儿组高(P<0.01);新生儿早期预后不良为30.1%(25/83),高于足月儿组(P<0.001), 平均吸氧时间为2.5 d/(1~6)d,平均住院时间为9 d/(1~24)d, 均高于足月儿组(P<0.001,P<0.001)。近足月儿中,经剖宫产娩出的新生儿呼吸困难发生率高于经阴道分娩的新生儿(P<0.01)。




To retrospectively analyze the clinical manifestations of resuscitation of neonatal asphyxia, and compare the prognosis of neonatal asphyxia between full-term infants and near full-term infants(34 weeks≤gestational age <37 weeks).


263 cases of the full-term neonatal asphyxia(the full-term infants group) and 83 cases of the near full-term neonatal asphyxia(the near full-term infants group), were enrolled in this study. Children with congenital abnormality were excluded. Collect information including mothers′ pregnancy complications, amniotic fluid situation, mode of delivery, birth weight and Apgar score, compare the respiratory difficulties and the occurrence of poor prognosis between near full-term infants and full-term.


In the full-term infants group, 39.9 % had dyspnea and 6.1% had poor prognosis. Among 83 cases (the near full-term infants group), the incidence of dyspnea and poor prognosis was 57.8% and 30.1%, respectively. The difference between the term infants and the near term infants was significant (P<0.01). Among the near full-term infants, the dyspnea occurrence rate of cesarean section was higher than vaginal delivery.


The full-term infants recovered quickly from birth asphyxia resuscitation and had a good prognosis. However, in the near term infants, the incidence of dyspnea and poor prognosis were higher than those of the full-term infants. It suggests that the near term infants need more post-resuscitation care than the full-term infants.

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