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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2005, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (02) : 101 -104. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2005.02.110


谷仁凯, 孙立荣, 卢洁, 庞秀英, 董增义, 李学荣, 卢愿, 宋爱芹, 刘毅   
  1. 青岛大学医学院附属医院小儿血液科(青岛,266003)
  • 出版日期:2005-08-25

Analysis of 61 cases of long-term survival children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Ren-kai GU, Li-rong SUN, Jie LU, Xiu-ying PANG, Zeng-yi DONG, Xue-rong LI, Yuan LU, Ai-qin SNONG, Yi LIU   

  1. Department of Pediatric Hematology, the Affiliated Hospital of Medical College, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266003, China.
  • Published:2005-08-25

谷仁凯, 孙立荣, 卢洁, 庞秀英, 董增义, 李学荣, 卢愿, 宋爱芹, 刘毅. 小儿急性淋巴细胞白血病长期存活61例分析[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2005, 01(02): 101-104.

Ren-kai GU, Li-rong SUN, Jie LU, Xiu-ying PANG, Zeng-yi DONG, Xue-rong LI, Yuan LU, Ai-qin SNONG, Yi LIU. Analysis of 61 cases of long-term survival children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2005, 01(02): 101-104.






61例5年以上存活ALL患儿与176例5年以下存活患儿比较,二者染色体差异有显著意义(P = 0. 007),临床分型、骨髓形态分型及免疫分型比较差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。61例5年以上存活的ALL患儿中,不同时期3组治疗方案无病存活率比较,VCP(长春新碱、环磷酰胺、强的松)组与VDLP(长春新碱、柔红霉素、L-门冬酰胺酶、强的松)组间差异有显著意义(P=0. 010)。采用60Co头颅照射为主的治疗方案,3例发生中枢神经系统白血病(CNSL),采用大剂量氨甲碟呤(HDMTX)防治组,无CNSL发生,5例发生睾丸白血病(TL)的患儿均系60Co头颅照射组,HDMTX组无TL发生(P=0. 000)。61例5年以上存活ALL患儿中,25例已存活10年以上,现仍然存活,另36例存活5至10年者中,有5例死于骨髓复发,这两者骨髓复发的差异无显著意义(χ2 = 3. 78,P=0. 072)。纳入本研究的所有ALL患儿中,26例MRD检测呈阳性,其中14例化疗停止时已转为阴性,13例仍长期存活;12例停止化疗后MRD呈弱阳性者,其中7例长期存活。




To explore factors effecting long-term survival of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).


61 ALL patients with long-term survival and 176 ALL cases with under 5 years survival had been determined, before treatment, for bone marrow morphological, immunological, and chromosomal (MIC) types, and for clinical type and minimal resident disease (MRD)as well. 3 chemotherapy regimens and 4 preventive methods for extramedullary leukemia infiltration were adopted in different periods. Treatment effects and prognosis were compared according to their respective types.


① MIC type and clinical type analysis : compared with the 176 cases survived less than 5years, the 61 cases with over 5 years survival had significant difference in chromosomal type (P<0.01), but no significant difference in clinical type, bone marrow morphological type, and immunological type (P>0. 05).② Treatment methods analysis : among the 61 over 5 years survival cases, patients with VDLP regimen from year 1992 to 1999 had higher disease-free survival rate than patients with VP regimen from year 1980 to 1984 (P<0. 05), and also higher than patients with VCP regimen from year 1985 to 1991 (P<0. 05). And VDLP group had lower death rate than VP group (P<0. 05).③Prevention and treatment of extramedullary leukemia infiltration : in the two groups mainly adopting head 60Co radiotherapy, 3cases occurred central nerve system leukemia (CNSL) , and no CNSL occurred in the group receiving high dose MTX (HDMTX)(P<0. 01). And 5 cases developed testical leukemia (TL) in group with head 60Co radiotherapy, and no TL cases in the group with HDMTX (P<0. 001).④The relationship between bone marrow relapse and survival time : 25 cases who have survived over 10 years are still alive, and there were5 cases died of bone marrow relapse after surviving for 5 to 10 years (P <0. 05).⑤ MRD dynamic quantitative determination: among the 26 cases with positive MRD, 13 cases turned negative upon treatment termination, and are still alive, 12 cases tested weakly positive upon treatment termination, among them, 7 cases survived over 5 years up to now.


Systemic and standard chemotherapy is essential to enable long-term survival of ALL patients. Bone marrow relapse and extramedullary leukemia infiltration are important factors adversely affecting long-term survival. MRD turning negative from positive may serve as a referential index for the termination of treatment.

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