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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (04) : 460 -467. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2024.04.014

所属专题: 经典病例

论 著

赵雪1, 金萌2, 赖建铭3,(), 戎赞华1, 白欣立1   
  1. 1.河北医科大学第二医院儿科,石家庄 050000
    2.首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院消化科,北京 100020
    3.首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院风湿免疫科,北京 100020
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-08 修回日期:2024-05-05 出版日期:2024-08-01
  • 通信作者: 赖建铭
  • 基金资助:

Childhood Behcet's disease complicated with intestinal pseudopolyps:two cases report and literature review

Xue Zhao1, Meng Jin2, Jianming Lai3,(), Zanhua Rong1, Xinli Bai1   

  1. 1.Department of Pediatrics,Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University,Shijiazhuang 050000,Hebei Province,China
    2.Department of Digestive,Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Institute of Pediatrics,Beijing 100020,China
    3.Department of Rheumatology and Immunology,Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Institute of Pediatrics,Beijing 100020,China
  • Received:2024-04-08 Revised:2024-05-05 Published:2024-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Jianming Lai

赵雪, 金萌, 赖建铭, 戎赞华, 白欣立. 儿童白塞病合并肠道假性息肉2例并文献复习[J]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2024, 20(04): 460-467.

Xue Zhao, Meng Jin, Jianming Lai, Zanhua Rong, Xinli Bai. Childhood Behcet's disease complicated with intestinal pseudopolyps:two cases report and literature review[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2024, 20(04): 460-467.






①患儿1: 女性,6岁,主要临床表现为反复口腔溃疡、间断发热及眼部溃疡,伴结节性红斑,胃镜检查发现咽部多发溃疡,结肠镜显示回肠溃疡,入院诊断为白塞病,给予患儿1甲泼尼龙、沙利度胺及柳氮磺吡啶口服治疗。在病情好转后,甲泼尼龙规律减量过程中,患儿1病情多次反复,先后应用多种免疫抑制剂治疗。于首次入院3.5年后,对其复查结肠镜可见回盲部及升结肠多发炎性息肉。②患儿2:男性,6岁,主要临床表现为间断发热、腹痛及消化道穿孔。对其进行肠切除肠吻合术后,采取激素治疗措施。之后患儿2反复口腔溃疡、皮肤红斑,肠镜显示溃疡性病变,确诊为白塞病。对其采取激素、注射用重组人Ⅱ型肿瘤坏死因子受体-抗体融合蛋白(rh TNFR:Fc)、环孢素治疗措施,规律随访过程中病情多次反复。于首次入院5.3年后,对患儿2复查肠镜可见回盲部溃疡性、增生性隆起,炎性息肉形成。③文献复习结果:在Pub Med数据库中检索到关于1例儿童(患儿3)白塞病合并肛周息肉的研究文献。患儿3为男性,12岁,主要临床表现为口腔溃疡、肛周疼痛及阴茎溃疡,肛周见溃疡及息肉样病变,肛周局部组织病理学活检结果为非特异性炎症,全身激素治疗后肛周溃疡愈合。




To explore the clinical characteristics,and diagnosis and treatment strategy of pediatric Behcet's disease complicated with intestinal pseudopolyps.


Two children (patient 1,2)with Behcet's disease complicated with intestinal pseudopolyps admitted to the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Institute of Pediatrics and the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University from January 2017 to January 2024 were selected as the study subjects.Retrospective analysis method was used to analyze the clinical data of 2 children with Behcet's disease.And search for relevant literature on Behcet's disease combined with intestinal pseudopolyps in domestic and foreign databases for literature review.This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University (Approval No.2023-R114),and the guardians informed and agreed to the diagnosis and treatment of the patients,and signed a clinical study informed consent form.


①Patient 1:a 6-year-old female with recurrent oral ulcers,intermittent fever,and eye ulcers,accompanied by nodular erythema.Multiple ulcers were found in the pharynx during gastroscopy,and ileal ulcers during colonoscopy.Therefore,the diagnosis of Behcet's disease was made,and patient 1 was given oral methylprednisolone,thalidomide,and sulfasalazine.After getting better,during the regular reduction of methylprednisolone,the condition of illness recurred multiple times and multiple immunosuppressive agents were used for treatment.After the first admission for 3.5 years,a follow-up colonoscopy revealed multiple inflammatory polyps in the ileocecal and ascending colon.②Patient 2:a 6-years-old male with main clinical manifestations of intermittent fever,abdominal pain,and gastrointestinal perforation.After undergoing intestinal resection and anastomosis,glucocorticoids therapy was administered.Afterwards,patient 2 had recurrent oral ulcers and skin erythema,and colonoscopy showed ulcerative lesions,then confirming the diagnosis of Behcet's disease.Administer glucocorticoids,recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-αreceptorⅡ:IgG Fc fusion protein for injection(rh TNFR:Fc),and cyclosporine treatments,and the condition recurred multiple times during regular follow-up.5.3 years after the first admission,colonoscopy result of patient 2 showed ulcerative and proliferative protrusions in the ileocecal region,as well as the formation of inflammatory polyps.③Literature review results:a literature report of one child (patient 3)with Behcet's disease complicated with perianal polyps was retrieved in the Pub Med database.Patient 3 was a 12-year-old male with main clinical manifestations of oral ulcers,perianal pain,and penile ulcers.Ulcers and polypoid lesions were seen in the perianal area,and local histopathological biopsy results of the perianal area shows non-specific inflammation.After systemic glucocorticoids treatment,the perianal ulcer heals.


Severe inflammation and repeated stimulation are the main causes of Behcet's disease combined with intestinal pseudopolyps.The key point of clinical treatment for this kind of children is to control the recurrence of Behcet's disease and strengthen follow-up.

图1 患儿1(女性,6岁)第1次入院胃镜检查结果(咽后壁可见深大溃疡)(箭头所示) 图2 患儿1(女性,6岁)第1次入院结肠镜检查结果[图2A:回肠处显示,末端回肠黏膜可见1处深大溃疡,覆黄白苔(箭头所示);图2B、2C:回盲部显示,回盲瓣变形,回盲部可见1处巨大、深溃疡(图2B箭头所示)与回肠溃疡(图2C箭头所示)延续,溃疡周围黏膜增生伴充血水肿] 注:患儿1为白塞病患儿
表1 患儿1的4次入院情况
入院次数 时间 年龄(岁) 主诉 主要临床表现 实验室检查结果
第1次 2017年2月 6 反复口腔溃疡7个月、间断发热6个月 口腔溃疡、发热、左眼球溃疡、右下肢结节性红斑 WBC为11.6×109/L,CRP为91mg/L,ESR为60mm/1h,Hb为92g/L
第2次 2018年8月 7 发热伴腹痛10d 发热、腹痛(右下腹为主)、口腔溃疡、肛周溃疡 WBC为18.2×109/L,CRP为54mg/L,ESR为44mm/1h,Hb为102g/L
第3次 2019年4月 8 腹痛10d,口腔溃疡7d 口腔溃疡、腹痛(右下腹为主) WBC为15.1×109/L,CRP为81mg/L,ESR为16mm/1h,Hb为138g/L
第4次 2020年8月 9 间断腹痛6个月 口腔溃疡、腹痛、纳差、稀糊便、乏力、体重下降 WBC为17.3×109/L,CRP为72mg/L,ESR为36mm/1h,Hb为93g/L
入院次数 主要治疗变化 治疗方案 疗效
第1次 无白塞病相关治疗 口服甲泼尼龙24mg/次×1次/d;口服沙利度胺25mg/次×1次/d,口服柳氮磺吡啶250mg/次×3次/d 体温正常、口腔溃疡好转、右下肢结节性红斑消失。复查胃镜正常,肠镜可见回盲部溃疡消失,肠黏膜少许糜烂,未见息肉
第2次 6个月后甲泼尼龙规律减量至4mg/次×1次/d,直至停用 口服甲泼尼龙28mg/次×1次/d;口服沙利度胺25mg/次×1次/d,口服柳氮磺吡啶250mg/次×3次/d 体温正常,口腔溃疡好转,腹痛消失。治疗9d出院
第3次 甲泼尼龙规律减量至4mg/次×1次/d 口服甲泼尼龙32mg/次×1次/d;口服沙利度胺25mg/次×1次/d,口服硫唑嘌呤50mg/次×1次/d 腹痛消失,口腔溃疡好转,治疗8d出院
第4次 甲泼尼龙规律减量至6mg/次×1次/d。停硫唑嘌呤,加用吗替麦考酚酯500mg/次×2次/d 静脉滴注英夫利昔单抗150mg/d,口服甲泼尼龙12mg/次×1次/d;口服沙利度胺50mg/次×1次/d.停用吗替麦考酚酯 腹痛及口腔溃疡好转,大便较前成形,食欲好转,治疗10d出院
图3 患儿1(女性,9岁)第4次入院结肠镜检查结果[图3A:末端回肠可见多发条形息肉(箭头所示);图3B、3C:回盲部可见回盲瓣变形,黏膜充血水肿及片状红斑(箭头所示);图3D:升结肠可见升结肠近段及回盲部多发炎性息肉,呈珊瑚状(箭头所示)] 注:患儿1为白塞病合并肠道假性息肉患儿
表2 患儿2的5次入院情况
入院次数 时间 年龄(岁) 主诉 主要临床表现 实验室检查结果
第1次 2017年9月 6 间断发热1+个月 发热、双下肢关节痛、间断腹痛、右前臂结节性红斑。消化道穿孔 WBC为22.0×109/L,CRP为349.4mg/L
第2次 2018年1月 7 间断发热、腹痛伴口腔溃疡15d 间断发热、腹痛(右下腹)、腹泻,口腔溃疡 WBC为11.1×109/L,CRP为12.96mg/L
第3次 2018年3月 7 间断发热伴腹痛2个月 发热、腹痛、腹泻,口腔溃疡,右手腕及双脚趾皮肤红色斑丘疹 WBC为20.2×109/L,CRP为133mg/L
第4次 2020年5月 9 反复口腔溃疡10+d 口腔溃疡 WBC为18.0×109/L,CRP为31mg/L
第5次 2023年1月 12 反复发热2个月,腹痛1个月 口腔溃疡、发热、腹痛、呕吐、双下肢紫红色皮疹、体重下降 WBC为19.2×109/L,CRP为118.1mg/L
入院次数 主要治疗变化 治疗方案 疗效
第1次 无白塞病相关治疗 手术处理消化道穿孔。静脉滴注氢化可的松50mg/次×1次/d,序贯口服甲泼尼龙8mg/次×1次/d 体温正常,腹痛消失,手术伤口愈合出院。
第2次 口服甲泼尼龙8mg/次×1次/d 静脉滴注免疫球蛋白5g/次×2次,以及对症治疗 症状好转出院
第3次 口服甲泼尼龙8mg/次×1次/d 甲泼尼龙320mg/d×3d冲击治疗。此后口服醋酸泼尼松10mg/次×3次/d,口服环孢素胶囊50mg/次×3次/d,皮下注射rh TNFR:Fc 12.5mg/次×1次/7d 病情好转出院
第4次 口服醋酸泼尼松减量至10mg/次×1次/d 口服醋酸泼尼松20mg/次×1次/d,口服环孢素胶囊50mg/次×3次/d,皮下注射rh TNFR:Fc 12.5mg/次×1次/5d 症状好转出院
第5次 因口腔溃疡反复,加用沙利度胺口服2年后停用,并同时更换rh TNFR:Fc为阿达木单抗;因发热反复调整醋酸泼尼松剂量 静脉滴注甲泼尼龙40mg/次×1次/d,口服美沙拉嗪0.5g/次×3次/d,环孢素胶囊50mg/次×3次/d,皮下注射阿达木单抗40mg/次×1次/14d 发热、腹痛好转,体重增加3kg。复查WBC和CRP正常。治疗18d出院
图4 患儿2(男性,7岁)第2次入院结肠镜检查结果[见小肠(图4A)、回盲部(图4B)及升结肠(图4C)多发溃疡性病变(箭头所示)]
图5 患儿2(男性,12岁)第5次入院结肠镜检查结果(图5A、5B、5C 为回盲部,图5D 为升结肠。显示末端回肠见多发增生样隆起,回盲瓣形态不规则,表面黏膜充血水肿、粗糙、糜烂,局部可见溃疡形成,盲肠黏膜弥漫性充血水肿,局部可见溃疡形成及多发大小不等的增生性隆起) 注:患儿2为白塞病合并肠道假性息肉患儿
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