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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (03) : 322 -330. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2024.03.011


梅娟1, 陶旭炜1,()   
  1. 1. 华中科技大学同济医学院附属武汉儿童医院新生儿科,武汉 430016
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-20 修回日期:2024-04-05 出版日期:2024-06-01
  • 通信作者: 陶旭炜

Neonatal congenital intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt with disseminated intravascular coagulation as the initial manifestation: 2 cases report and literature review

Juan Mei1, Xuwei Tao1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neonatology, Wuhan Children′s Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430016, Hubei Province, China
  • Received:2023-12-20 Revised:2024-04-05 Published:2024-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Xuwei Tao
  • Supported by:
    Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province(2023AFB888)

梅娟, 陶旭炜. 弥散性血管内凝血为首发表现先天性肝内门体静脉分流新生儿2例并文献复习[J]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2024, 20(03): 322-330.

Juan Mei, Xuwei Tao. Neonatal congenital intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt with disseminated intravascular coagulation as the initial manifestation: 2 cases report and literature review[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2024, 20(03): 322-330.






①患儿1、2均以生后即发现全身皮肤淤斑或出血点等DIC临床症状为首发表现,经腹部彩色多普勒超声(CDUS)及腹部CT/MRI检查,分别诊断为门静脉-肝中静脉瘘(CIPSVS Ⅱ型)、静脉导管未闭(PDV)(CIPSVS Ⅴ型)。患儿1、2病程中均出现进行性肝功能受损,并且均合并动脉导管未闭(PDA)。对其进行内科抗DIC、护肝等对症治疗后,均好转出院,院外定期随访,CIPSVS Ⅱ型、PDV均预后良好。②文献复习结果:对包括本研究患儿1、2在内的28例CIPSVS新生儿(患儿3~28)的病例资料进行文献复习的结果显示,新生儿CIPSVS的主要实验室检查结果为肝功能异常及代谢异常,包括转氨酶异常或胆汁淤积(78.6%)、高氨血症(32.1%)、低血糖(14.3%)等,其他包括凝血功能异常(25.0%)、呼吸困难(21.4%)、血小板计数(PLT)减少(21.4%)及肺动脉高压(PH)(17.9%)等。CDUS检查,可在产前和生后作为该病胎儿、新生儿的初步诊断手段,腹部血管造影检查是诊断该病的金标准。53.6%该病新生儿经内科对症治疗后,异常分流可减少或自发关闭,35.7%的患儿采取手术干预。大多数患儿预后良好,仅3例(10.7%)患儿死亡。




To explorer the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of congenital intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (CIPSVS) with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) as the initial manifestation in neonates.


Two neonates (patient 1, 2) with CIPSVS who presented with DIC as the initial manifestation on April 17 and 18, 2022, at Wuhan Children′s Hospital were selected as the study subjects. Their clinical case data were retrospectively analyzed, and relevant literature on neonatal CIPSVS in domestic and foreign databases was reviewed. This study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Wuhan Children′s Hospital (Approval No. 2021R050-E01). The guardians of the children were informed consent for the diagnosis and treatment, and signed the informed consent forms.


① Both patient 1, 2 initially presented with clinical manifestations of DIC right after birth, such as skin bruising or hemorrhagic spots, which were diagnosed as portal-hepatic vein fistula (CIPSVS type Ⅱ) and patent ductus venosus (PDV) (CIPSVS type Ⅴ) by abdominal color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) and abdominal CT/MRI, respectively. Patient 1, 2 exhibited progressive liver function impairment during the course of their illness and complicated with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). After medical treatment with anti-DIC and liver protection measures, both patients improved and were discharged from the hospital, with regular follow-up outside the hospital. Their prognosis were good with closure of the type Ⅱ shunt and PDV. ② Literature review results: a literature review of 28 cases of neonatal CIPSVS, including patient 1, 2 in this study, revealed that the main laboratory findings of neonatal CIPSVS were abnormal liver function and metabolism, including abnormal transaminas or cholestasis (78.6%), hyperammonemia (32.1%), hypoglycemia (14.3%), as well as other findings like coagulation dysfunction (25.0%), respiratory distress (21.4%), decreased platelet count (PLT) (21.4%), and pulmonary hypertension (PH) (17.9%). CDUS could be used as a preliminary diagnostic method for the disease before and after childbirth, and abdominal angiography was the gold standard for diagnosis. After conservative medical treatment, abnormal shunts in 53.6% of children reduced or spontaneously closed, and surgical intervention was needed in 35.7% of children. Most children had a good prognosis, with only 3 (10.7%) children resulting in death.


Neonatal CIPSVS is a rare clinical condition, and its main clinical manifestations are related to abnormal liver synthesis and metabolic functions. When neonates present with unexplained severe DIC, the possibility of this disease should be considered, and treatment should be individualized.

图1 患儿1(男性,生后3 h)上腹部MRI检查结果[图1A:轴切面见肝中静脉增粗,门静脉迂曲扩张(箭头所示);图1B:冠状面见肝中静脉与门静脉异常吻合,吻合处血管宽径约为4.7 mm(箭头所示)]  图2 患儿2(男性,生后3 h)腹部影像学检查结果[图2A:肝脾CDUS显示门静脉左支矢状部上端-下腔静脉入口处可见异常管道(PDV,内径约为5 mm)(箭头所示);图2B:腹腔大血管CT检查可见门静脉左支与下腔静脉肝段之间异常分流(PDV)(箭头所示)]注:患儿1为先天性肝内门体静脉分流患儿,患儿2为先天性肝内门体静脉分流患儿。PDV为静脉导管未闭,CDUS为彩色多普勒超声
表1 28例CIPSVS新生儿的诊断、临床特点、治疗及预后
患儿编号 文献(第1作者,发表年) 初步诊断检查方法 明确诊断检查方法 CIPSVS分型 主要临床表现(肝功能异常/代谢异常/肝脾大)
产前CDUS 新生儿腹部CDUS 新生儿腹部增强CT/MRI 新生儿腹部血管造影
患儿1 本研究 Ⅱ型 肝功能异常、肝脾大
患儿2 本研究 PDV 肝功能异常、肝脾大
患儿3 Zhang[5],2020 Ⅲ型 肝功能异常、高氨血症
患儿4 李晓菲[6],2016 Ⅲ型
患儿5 Kamali[7],2019 PDV 肝功能异常
患儿6 Beard[8],2017 Ⅱ型 肝功能异常、高氨血症
患儿7 Sharma[9],2013 PDV 肝功能异常、高氨血症、肝脾大
患儿8 Yamaguchi[10],2016 PDV 肝功能异常
患儿9 Chacko[11],2016 PDV 肝功能异常
患儿10 Poeppelman[12],2018 PDV 肝功能异常、高氨血症、低血糖
患儿11 Schierz[13],2011 PDV 肝功能异常
患儿12 Schierz[13],2011 PDV 肝功能异常
患儿13 Van Houdt[14],2021 PDV 高氨血症
患儿14 Ghasemi-Rad[15],2022 PDV 低血糖
患儿15 Avula[16],2021 Ⅲ型 肝功能异常、高氨血症
患儿16 Gorsi[17],2020 Ⅰ型 肝功能异常、高氨血症、低血糖
患儿17 Gorsi[17],2020 Ⅱ型 肝功能异常
患儿18 Kashgari[18],2020 Ⅱ型 肝功能异常
患儿19 Plut[19],2019 Ⅱ型 肝功能异常、高氨血症
患儿20 Weigert[20],2018 Ⅰ型 肝功能异常、低血糖
患儿21 Gong[21],2015 Ⅰ型 肝功能异常
患儿22 Gong[21],2015 Ⅱ型 肝功能异常
患儿23 Tanya[22],2013 Ⅱ型
患儿24 Thukral[23],2013 Ⅰ型 肝功能异常、高氨血症、肝脾大
患儿25 Doǧan[24],2016 Ⅱ型 肝功能异常、肝大
患儿26 Bellettini[25],2016 Ⅱ型 肝功能异常
患儿27 谢恩萍[26],2017 PDV 肝大
患儿28 夏梦雯[27],2022 PDV
患儿编号 其他临床表现 合并症 治疗 随访及预后
患儿1 DIC(凝血功能异常、PLT减少、皮下出血),PH PDA 对症支持治疗 随访至16月龄,Ⅱ型分流闭合,预后好
患儿2 DIC(凝血功能异常、PLT减少、皮下出血) PDA 对症支持治疗 随访至9月龄,PDV闭合,预后好
患儿3 凝血功能异常 房间隔缺损 手术结扎 术后Ⅲ型分流闭合,随访至22月龄,预后好
患儿4 对症支持治疗 随访至16月龄,Ⅲ型分流闭合,预后好
患儿5 介入封堵术 术后PDV闭合,随访至5月龄,预后好
患儿6 肾衰竭 鸟氨酸氨甲基转移酶缺乏症 对症支持治疗 死亡
患儿7 凝血功能异常、PLT减少 介入封堵术 术后PDV分流量减少,随访至4周龄,预后好
患儿8 凝血功能异常、PLT减少 21-三体综合征 对症支持治疗 随访至8月龄,PDV分流量减少,预后好
患儿9 介入封堵术 术后PDV闭合,随访至9周龄,预后好
患儿10 凝血功能异常 主动脉弓离断、室间隔缺损、PDA 对症支持治疗 随访至6周龄,PDV闭合
患儿11 呼吸困难 PDA、卵圆孔未闭 对症支持治疗 日龄17 d时PDV闭合,随访至2岁,预后好
患儿12 呼吸困难、代谢性酸中毒 PDA 对症支持治疗 日龄25 d时PDV闭合,随访至14月龄,预后好
患儿13 PDA、宫内发育迟缓 对症支持治疗 随访至6月龄,PDV分流量减少
患儿14 卵圆孔未闭、PDA、皮肤血管瘤 介入封堵术 术后PDV闭合,随访至2岁,预后良好
患儿15 PH、呼吸困难 门静脉与肝静脉间动脉瘤 介入封堵术 术后Ⅲ型分流闭合,随访至6月龄,预后良好
患儿16 呼吸困难 介入封堵术 术后Ⅰ型分流闭合,症状改善出院
患儿17 介入封堵术 术后Ⅱ型分流闭合,症状改善出院
患儿18 对症支持治疗 随访至3月龄,Ⅱ型分流量减少
患儿19 十二指肠梗阻 对症支持治疗 6月龄时Ⅱ型分流闭合
患儿20 凝血功能异常 非致密化心肌病、高胰岛素血症 介入封堵术 术后Ⅰ型分流闭合,随访至3月龄,预后良好
患儿21 PLT减少 21-三体综合征 对症支持治疗 Ⅰ型分流量减少,预后好
患儿22 PDA、宫内发育迟缓 对症支持治疗 Ⅱ型分流量减少,预后好
患儿23 PLT减少、心力衰竭、PH 21-三体综合征 介入封堵术 术后Ⅱ型分流闭合,随访至4月龄预后好
患儿24 RH溶血性黄疸 对症支持治疗 随访至2岁4月龄,Ⅰ型分流量减少,预后好
患儿25 对症支持治疗 6月龄时Ⅱ型分流闭合,预后好
患儿26 宫内发育迟缓 对症支持治疗 2岁时Ⅱ型分流量减少,预后好
患儿27 PH、心功能不全、呼吸困难 房间隔缺损、髂动脉-脐静脉瘘 对症支持治疗 死亡
患儿28 PH、心功能不全、呼吸困难 卵圆孔未闭、PDA、心包积气 对症支持治疗 死亡
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