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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (03) : 311 -320. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2021.03.012


廖雄宇, 邱坤银, 覃丽君, 何展文()   
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-01 修回日期:2021-03-14 出版日期:2021-06-01
  • 通信作者: 何展文

Clinical analysis of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated inflammatory demyelinationdisease among children

Xiongyu Liao, Kunyin Qiu, Lijun Qin, Zhanwen He()   

  • Received:2020-11-01 Revised:2021-03-14 Published:2021-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Zhanwen He
  • Supported by:
    Guangdong Natural Science Foundation(2021A1515011809)

廖雄宇, 邱坤银, 覃丽君, 何展文. 儿童髓鞘少突胶质细胞糖蛋白抗体相关炎性脱髓鞘疾病临床分析[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2021, 17(03): 311-320.

Xiongyu Liao, Kunyin Qiu, Lijun Qin, Zhanwen He. Clinical analysis of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated inflammatory demyelinationdisease among children[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2021, 17(03): 311-320.






①初诊时,这7例患儿分别被误诊为急性播散性脑脊髓炎(ADEM) (2例)、视神经炎(ON)(2例)、多发性硬化症(MS)(1例)、脑膜炎(1例)及自身免疫性脑炎(AE) (1例)。其中年龄较小患儿临床表现为ON症状,而年龄较大者为ADEM症状。②7例患儿中,2例脑脊液检查结果显示白细胞计数(WBC)增高、蛋白水平增高;而脑脊液MOG抗体呈阳性为6例,外周血抗CASPR-2抗体呈阳性为1例;6例患儿颅内压>200 mmH2O(1 mmH2O=0.098 1 kPa)。③7例患儿中,外周血WBC增高为2例,C反应蛋白(CRP)呈阳性为1例、红细胞沉降率(ESR)增高为1例。所有患儿外周血MOG抗体检测结果均呈阳性,而外周血抗CASPR-2抗体呈阳性为1例。④影像学检查结果显示,病变累及侧脑室周围为5例、基底节为3例,丘脑、脊髓和视神经各为2例,脑干和延髓各为1例,伴脑膜强化为1例;而且这7例患儿的病灶直径均>2 cm;年龄>5岁的3例患儿的病灶边界光滑、清晰。⑤治疗方案:1例患儿于急性期静脉输注甲泼尼龙10~30 mg/(kg·d)(每3天剂量递减1/2)+静脉注射免疫球蛋白(IVIG) 2 g/(kg·d)×1 d,6例静脉输注地塞米松[起始剂量为0.5 mg/(kg·d),序贯减量至泼尼松1 mg/(kg·d)口服维持治疗]+IVIG 0.4 g/(kg·d)× 5 d。治疗维持期内,对这7例患儿均进行泼尼松口服治疗,其中5例每个月静脉输注1剂IVIG,剂量为2 g/kg。对2例MOG抗体相关IDD复发患儿,均再次进行静脉输注甲泼尼龙+IVIG治疗,其中1例接受利妥昔单抗治疗的方案为375 mg/(m2·次)×1次/周×4周。治疗后,5例患儿获得完全恢复,2例部分恢复,平均年复发率(ARR)为0.40次/年。




To investigate clinical manifestations, imaging features, treatment and prognosis of children with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibody-associated inflammatory demyelination disease (IDD).


Seven children with MOG autoantibody-associated IDD diagnosed at the Department of Pediatrics, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from June 1, 2014 to September 30, 2020 were selected as research subjects, including 2 girls and 5 boys with an average age of 8.3 years old. The clinical features, imaging findings, treatment and prognosis of 7 children with MOG antibody-related IDD were analyzed retrospectively. The procedures followed in this study were in line with the requirements of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki revised in 2013.


①At initial diagnosis, the 7 cases were misdiagnosed as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM, 2 cases), optic neuritis (ON, 2 cases), multiple sclerosis (MS, 1 case), meningitis (1 case) and autoimmune encephalitis (AE, 1 case). Among them, the younger children presented with ON symptoms, while the older children presented with ADEM symptoms. ②Among the 7 cases, 2 cases had elevated white blood cell count (WBC) and protein level in cerebrospinal fluid, 6 cases with intracranial pressure >200 mmH2O (1 mmH2O=0.098 1 kPa). All the children were positive for MOG antibody in peripheral blood, 6 cases were positive for MOG antibody in cerebrospinal fluid, and 1 case was positive for anti-CASPR-2 antibody in peripheral blood. ③Among the 7 children, the results of laboratory examination showed that WBC increased in 2 cases, and C-reaction protein (CRP) was positive and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) increased in 1 case in peripheral blood. All the children′s peripheral blood MOG antibody were positive, and 1 child′s peripheral blood anti-CASPR-2 antibody was positive.④The results of imaging examination showed that the lesions involved around the lateral ventricle in 5 cases, basal ganglia in 3 cases, thalamus, spinal cord and optic nerve in 2 cases, brainstem in 1 case and medulla oblongata in 1 case, meningeal enhancement in 1 case. The lesion diameters of 7 cases were larger than 2 cm. In addition, a clear boundary of lesions could be found in 3 children whose ages were more than 5 years old.⑤In the acute phase, 1 child was treated with methylprednisolone [10-30 mg/ (kg·d), dose halved every 3 days] and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) [2 g/(kg·d)×1 d], and 6 children were treated with dexamethasone [initial dose of 0.5 mg/(kg·d) and IVIG 0.4 g/(kg·d)×5 d]. During the maintenance period, all of them were treated with oral prednisone, and 5 of them were treated with IVIG (2 g/kg) every month. 2 recurrent children were treated with methylprednisolone and IVIG again, and 1 of them was treated with rituximab (375 mg/m2, once a week for 4 times). After treatment, 5 children recovered completely and 2 children partially recovered. The average annualized relapse rate (ARR) was 0.4 times per year.


MOG antibody-associated IDD has various clinical manifestations and is easy to be misdiagnosed in the early stage. MOG antibody and AE-related antibody can exist at the same time, and most of the imaging findings are multifocal lesions. Although MOG antibody-associated IDD is mediated by antibody, the immunopathogenicity of MOG antigen is closely related to T cells and B cells. MOG-antibody is sensitive to hormones and has a good prognosis even in the case of multiple relapses.

表1 本组7例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿的临床资料比较
表2 本组7例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿急性期的神经系统体格检查结果
表3 本组7例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿脑脊液检查结果
表4 本组7例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿外周血实验室检查结果
表5 本组7例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿发病时头颅和脊柱MRI检查结果
图2 1例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿(No.2,女性,5岁)头颅MRI检查结果(白色箭头示侧脑室后角旁白质多发病灶)
图3 1例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿(No.3,男性,12岁)头颅、全脊柱MRI检查结果[图3A:头颅MRI检查结果(白色箭头示左侧侧脑室后角旁白质及右卵圆中心脑白质异常信号);图3B:全脊柱MRI检查结果(白色箭头示脊髓内脱髓鞘)]
图4 1例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿(No.4,男,13岁)头颅、全脊柱MRI检查结果[图4A:头颅MRI检查结果(白色箭头示双侧大脑半球皮质下病变);图4B:全脊柱MRI检查结果(白色箭头示胸段脊髓内病变)]
图6 1例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿(No.6,男性,2岁)头颅常规MRI检查结果(白色箭头示双侧侧脑室旁白质、双侧小脑脚及中脑右部多发异常病变)
图7 1例MOG抗体相关IDD患儿(No.7,男性,7岁)头颅常规MRI检查结果[图7A:头颅MRI横断面(白色箭头示左侧基底节区异常信号);图7B:头颅MRI冠状面(白色箭头示左侧中脑异常信号)]
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