Methods From March 2013 to January 2015, a total of 62 initial visit children who were diagnosed as overweight or simple obesity in department of Pediatrics, Zigong First People's Hospital, were included into observation group, and another 46 children with normal weight who received health examination at the same time were included into control group. The differences between two groups in the aspects of general clinical index [age, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure], lipid metabolism index [atherosclerosis index (AI), total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein(LDL), triglyceride(TG)], and sugar metabolism index [indexes of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), glucose concentration after 2 hours of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT GLU2h), fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin] were statistically compared. Meanwhile, the correlation between BMI and 9 risk factors for cardiovascular disease(lipid metabolism and sugar metabolism index above mentioned) in observation group were analyzed. There were no significant differences between two groups in age and gender constituent ratio(P>0.05). The guardian of all children participated in this study signed the informed consent, and the procedure of this study was approved by the Ethical Review Board of Investigation in Human Being of Zigong First People's Hospital.
Results ①The general clinical index of children in observation group including BMI[(31.8±2.3) kg/m2], waist circumference[(86.7±12.3) cm] and systolic blood pressure[(128.0±11.2) mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa] were higher than those of control group[(19.4±0.8) kg/m2, (61.1±8.0) cm, (102.0±12.9) mmHg], and the differences were statistically significant(t=-38.171, -12.770, -2.120; P<0.05). ②The lipid metabolism index of children in observation group including AI(4.0±0.8) and concentrations of TC, LDL, TG [ (4.9 ± 0.6) mmol /L, (3.07±0.23) mmol/L, (1.85±0.13) mmol/L] were higher than those of control group[(1.0±0.4), (4.0±0.4) mmol/L, (1.46±0.13) mmol/L, (0.80±0.21) mmol/L], but HDL concentration [ (0.89±0.09) mmol/L] was lower than that of control group[(2.14±0.49) mmol /L], and all the differences above were statistically significant(t=-35.96, -7.66, -51.29, -22.03, 36.62; P<0.01). ③The sugar metabolism index of children in observation group including HOMA-IR(12.5±1.3) and concentrations of OGTT GLU2h, fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin[(7.5±0.9) mmol/L, (5.97±0.22) mmol/L, (47.0±4.2) pmol/L] were higher than those of control group[(2.8±0.3), (4.0±0.4) mmol/L, (4.47±0.13) mmol/L, (14.0±1.4) pmol/L], and the differences were statistically significant(t=-38.64, -25.44, -43.65, -57.31; P<0.01). ④ The BMI of children in observation group had positive correlation with AI, TC, LDL, TG, HOMA-IR, OGTT GLU2h, fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin(r=0.964, 0.707, 0.960, 0.948, 0.974, 0.969, 0.967, 0.965; P<0.001), but had negative correlation with HDL (r=-0.939, P<0.001).