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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2013, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (03) : 305 -309. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2013.03.003

所属专题: 文献


刘铮1, 代礼1,*,*(), 朱军1, 李琪1, 马霞1, 牟祎1   
  1. 1. 610041 成都,四川大学华西第二医院中国出生缺陷监测中心全国妇幼卫生监测办公室
  • 收稿日期:2013-04-05 修回日期:2013-05-10 出版日期:2013-06-01
  • 通信作者: 代礼
  • 基金资助:

Analysis on Information Security of Web-Based Data Reporting System of National Maternal and Child Health Surveillance

Zheng LIU1, Li DAI1(), Jun ZHU1, Qi LI1, Xia MA1, Yi MOU1   

  1. 1. National Center for Birth Defects Monitoring of China, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2013-04-05 Revised:2013-05-10 Published:2013-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Li DAI
  • About author:
    (Corresponding author: DAI Li, Email: )

刘铮, 代礼, 朱军, 李琪, 马霞, 牟祎. 国家级妇幼卫生监测数据网络直报系统信息安全现状分析[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2013, 09(03): 305-309.

Zheng LIU, Li DAI, Jun ZHU, Qi LI, Xia MA, Yi MOU. Analysis on Information Security of Web-Based Data Reporting System of National Maternal and Child Health Surveillance[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2013, 09(03): 305-309.









To investigate the fund input, equipments and information security measures for the web-based data reporting system of National Maternal and Child Health Surveillance in health institutions.


From January 2009 to December 2011, a total of 546 maternal and child health monitoring agencies which involved in web-based data reporting system of National Maternal and Child Health Surveillance in health institutions were included in the study. Self-filling questionnaire was used to collect data of 503 maternal and child health service institutions involved in national maternal and child health surveillance, particularly on total amount, resources and use of funds, equipments and information security measures taken for web-based data reporting system. Institutions were grouped by administrative level (province, prefecture/city and district/county) and by geographic areas (east, middle and west). The disparities in above mentioned aspects among groups were then evaluated.


During the period of 2009-2011, a total of 197 million Yuan was invested into the information systems of these institutions, only 16.17% was used for maternal and child health surveillance. Of these institutions, funds raised by themselves, appropriated by supervising authorities and derived from special funds for surveillance accounted for 41.16%, 7.83% and 29.29% respectively. There were 14.51%, 26.84%, 77.14% and 42.94% of institutions without dedicated computer, server, fire wall and UPS equipments. Of them, 9.85% and 9.09% had no antivirus measures for local network and desktop computer.


Current fund input is insufficient for surveillance units to construct hardware and take protective measures to meet requirements of information security. It is necessary to raise investment through various sources of finance to perfect surveillance system and its information security management system.

表1 妇幼卫生监测机构信息化资金投入(万元)
Table 1 Capital Investment of Information Technology in maternal and child health monitoring agencies (×104 yuan)
表2 妇幼卫生监测机构信息系统建设资金来源及使用方向[万元,n(%)]
Table 2 The use of information system construction funds in maternal and child health monitoring agencies[×104 yuan,n(%)]
表3 妇幼卫生监测信息系统硬件和信息安全防护措施[万元,n(%)]
Table 3 Hardware and information security protection measures in maternal and child health monitoring information system[×104 yuan,n(%)]
调查项目 地区 行政级别 合计
东部 中部 西部 省级 地市级 区县级
  123(89.78) 173(89.18) 134(77.91) 27(90.00) 161(86.10) 242(84.62) 430(85.49)
  14(10.22) 21(10.82) 38(22.09) 3(10.00) 26(13.90) 44(15.38) 73(14.51)
  105(76.64) 145(74.74) 118(68.6) 27(90.00) 157(83.96) 184(64.34) 368(73.16)
  32(23.36) 49(25.26) 54(31.4) 3(10.00) 30(16.04) 102(35.66) 135(26.84)
  44(32.12) 43(22.16) 28(16.28) 14(46.67) 49(26.20) 52(18.18) 115(22.86)
  93(67.89) 151(77.84) 144(83.72) 16(53.54) 138(73.80) 234(81.82) 388(77.14)
  91(66.42) 114(58.76) 82(47.67) 25(83.33) 131(70.05) 131(45.80) 287(57.06)
  46(33.58) 80(41.24) 90(52.33) 5(16.67) 56(29.95) 155(54.20) 216(42.94)
  安全措施与互联网物理隔离 58(19.86) 60(15.54) 36(12.16) 16(19.05) 72(18.18) 66(13.36) 154(15.81)
  防病毒措施 90(30.82) 127(32.90) 81(27.37) 28(33.33) 126(32.82) 144(29.15) 298(30.59)
  数据备份 75(25.69) 109(28.24) 69(23.31) 24(28.57) 108(27.27) 121(24.49) 253(25.98)
  信息加密 27 (9.25) 35 (9.07) 55(18.58) 9(10.72) 31 (7.83) 41 (8.30) 81 (8.32)
  CA认证 5 (1.71) 12 (3.11) 12 (4.05) 5 (5.95) 15 (2.79) 9 (1.82) 29 (2.98)
  其他 4 (1.37) 2 (0.52) 2 (0.68) 1 (1.19) 5 (1.26) 2 (0.41) 8 (0.82)
未采取措施 33(11.30) 41(10.62) 77(26.01) 1 (1.19) 39 (9.85) 111(22.47) 151(15.5)
  134(97.81) 182(93.81) 155(90.12) 30(100.00) 170(90.91) 271(94.76) 471(93.64)
  3 (2.19) 12 (6.19) 17 (9.88) 0 (0.00) 17 (9.09) 15 (5.24) 32 (6.36)
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