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中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2009, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (02) : 127 -131. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-5250.2009.02.107


祝茜, 张立, 陈洪琴, 阮佳英, 石钢   
  1. 610041 成都,四川大学华西第二医院妇产科
  • 出版日期:2009-04-01

Application of Laparoscopy in Benign Gynecological Diseases for Elderly Women.

Qian ZHU, Li ZHANG, Hong-qin CHEN, Gang SHI   

  1. West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Published:2009-04-01

祝茜, 张立, 陈洪琴, 阮佳英, 石钢. 腹腔镜手术在老年妇科良性疾病中的应用[J/OL]. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版), 2009, 05(02): 127-131.

Qian ZHU, Li ZHANG, Hong-qin CHEN, Gang SHI. Application of Laparoscopy in Benign Gynecological Diseases for Elderly Women.[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition), 2009, 05(02): 127-131.










To assess the clinical application of laparoscopic surgery in the management of benign gynecological diseases for elderly women.


From August 2004 to October 2007, 189 women aged more than 60-year-old who underwent laparoscopy or open surgery for suspected benign gynecological diseases were reviewed retrospectively(except for the malignant tumor operation and transvaginal surgery). They were divided into laparoscopy group (n=53) and open surgery group (n=136), sub-laparoscopy group (n=42, adnexectomy) and sub-open surgery group (n=43, adnexectomy). Informed consent was obtained from all patients.


Sub-laparoscopy group showed lower perioperative blood pressure fluctuation than sub-open surgery group in the management of adnexectomy. Non-steroidal drugs were used for postoperative analgesia after laparoscopy while opioid drugs were used for patients who underwent laparotomy. Compared with sub-open surgery group, the usage of antibiotics, time to have semifluid, time of putting urethral catheter away, time of intestinal ventilation and days of hospitalization were significantly lower in sub-laparoscopic group. But there were no statistical significance of other types of surgery between two groups. The postoperative complications of laparoscopy group and open surgery group were 5.66%(3/53) and 16.91%(23/136), respectively.


Laparoscopic adnexectomy has a milder injury and smaller impact on cardiorespiratory function and internal environment for elderly patients than those of laparotomy. Elderly women with persistent adnexal masses should take laparoscopy more actively.

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